<- Mpg = 1116894 "TF1NEWS13 - MASTHEAD" GPa = 2737 -> <- / blk = 165,680.4, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- blk = 156323 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 156323.5, R, prdfriweb002 -> <- blk = 172820 "AfficheContenuUniversel" -> <- / blk = 172,820.44, R, prdfriapp002 -> <- blk = 172835 " HomeNavigationV2 "-> <- / blk = 172,835.27, R, prdfriweb002 -> <- blk = 172837" GeneralPub "-> <- / blk = 172,837.7, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- / Zon = 10 ->
<- / Zon = 950 -> Submitted Claire Chazal <- See the website of JT? -> <- blk = 167395 "HomeNavigationV2" -> <- [if lte IE 7]> – <- / blk = 167,395.10 <[endif]!>! , R, prdfriweb008 -> <- / Zon = 1000 -> The campaign for the presidency of the UMP in full swing. Several candidates have declared, next to the image of Nicolas Sarkozy and Bruno Le Maire. Hervé Mariton, the member for the Drôme is also in the game. An outsider considered a key figure in the fight against gay marriage . <- / Blk = 167,407.20, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- / blk = 129,530.15, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- blk = 167536, "video / VideoPlayerJT" -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb003 - Sat October 4, 2014 11:15:15 p.m. -> <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI! 0153 seconds -> <-! Total time in requ & egrave: your: 0079 seconds (39 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 167,536.57, R, prdfriweb004 -> <- blk = 167535, "video / VideoPlayerJT" -! -> <- Block ESI 300 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb009 - Sat October 4, 2014 11:17:03 p.m. -> <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI: 0135 seconds -> <- Time! total in requ & egrave: your: 0044 seconds (39 requ & egrave; your) -> <- / blk = 167,535.15, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- blk = 173695 "PasseVariableUniversel" -> <- blk = 167460 "ListeAvisInternautes" -> <- / blk = 167,460.20, R, prdfriweb002 ->
Politics – 2min 18s –
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