Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The homeless in France: more and more women and children – The Obs

The homeless in France: more and more women and children – The Obs

They sleep outside or in accommodation facilities, are mostly foreign and sometimes work: in 2012, France had 112,000 homeless, including 31,000 children, in medium and large cities, a figure up 44% 11 years, according to a study by the INSEE.

In his “Social Portrait of France”, published Wednesday, November 19, INSEE unveils the “diversity” of the population of homeless in France, from a survey of people who attended hosting services or restoration in cities of over 20,000 inhabitants, in the first quarter of 2012.

Women and children more and more

The so-called homeless people are those who are deprived of shelter, sleeping in a place not designed for habitation (street, park, station location, squat , etc.) are housed in emergency shelters or other structures for longer durations.

This population generally well known, was the subject of a first survey in 200 1: since the number of homeless has increased by 44%, to $ 81,000 adults, accompanied by 31,000 children. The figure does not cover the whole reality of the homeless, certainly more numerous, especially if one includes those who are not attending or hosting service restoration, and those living in rural communities or with less than 20,000 inhabitants.

According to the survey, a majority of homeless (55%, 45,000) were born abroad, of whom more than half in a country in Africa (Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa ), often speaking. Among non-francophones 16,000, two-thirds were born in an East European countries or the former Soviet Union.

This is a population predominantly young and male, but women (38 %) and children are more numerous, especially among the homeless born abroad: 40% are with children, against only 16% for the homeless born in France

10% of homeless people live in cities

The population of homeless is very common in large cities, and only 10% live in cities of 20,000 to 200,000. The Paris area alone accounts for as many homeless that all agglomerations of more than 200,000.

better off (30%, mostly families) are housed in a housing provided by an association and benefit from third places in collective accommodation center where you can stay the day.

Almost 4 out of 10 homeless living in precarious conditions in centers that they must leave every morning without being sure to find a place in the evenings or in hotels. And 10% are homeless. A proportion that rises to 14% in the Paris region, due to the growing number of homeless and housing pressure.

Of the 66,300 French homeless surveyed in greater detail by INSEE, a large majority (86%) say they have experienced in their childhood at least a painful event related to the family environment (serious health problem, disability, death of a parent). In addition, a quarter of them were placed in foster care or in their childhood home

Not surprisingly, the homeless have very low monthly income. 80% have fewer 900 euros per month, and 30% do not reach 300 euros. More than three quarters are inactive or unemployed, and more unexpectedly, 24% work, but often employed part-time, low-skilled and insecure. They are mostly employees or workers, and 22% have no labor contract.

More than 4 out of 10 SDF has never lived in a separate staff accommodation. And for those who have already had one, 35% were lost due to family problems (separation, death of a spouse, domestic violence), 30% due to financial problems (loss of job, rent too high, expulsions ., etc.)


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