Saturday, March 21, 2015

Pollution: the duel between Royal and Noble in five rounds – L’Express

As the fine particles spread on the French capital, trade between Ségolène Royal and Anne Hidalgo became increasingly tense. A duel that the mayor of Paris seems to have won since announced that the State agreed to implement alternating traffic starting Monday. A measure taken after a long skirmish.

Round 1: Anne Hidalgo request alternating traffic

On Monday Airparif announced a high pollution episode. The information threshold is exceeded Tuesday, the warning Wednesday. But the agency in charge of monitoring the air quality in the Paris region announced that the information threshold will be exceeded again Thursday and Friday.

Adequate alerts by Anne Hidalgo to call the state setting up of alternating traffic.

Round 2: Ségolène Royal is attacking the city of Paris

Ecology Minister refuses to “take unwanted decisions,” although it wants to “protect public health”. In responding to LCP, Segolene Royal not forget to send a pic for mayor of Paris who should act “in a much more determined because there are a lot of ads and we do not see much change.”

Round 3: Parisian elected on the frontline

While the speed limit is 20 km / h on highways in the Paris police prefecture, Segolene Royal believes that the alternating traffic is a measure “punitive that it would be” disrespectful “to impose it.

arguments that do not share the Parisian policies that attack the minister.

Cécile Duflot, who just emerged from a skirmish with Ségolène Royal, it is in his comment. The minister did not give in and responds on Twitter.

Round 4: Hollande tries to calm the game

From Brussels, Hollande said Friday morning that decisions on alternating traffic would be taken” at the end of the afternoon “In. stride, Anne Hidalgo sent a letter to Matignon to ask Manuel Valls to simplify and automatic implementation of alternating traffic, which requires the approval of the State.

In the late afternoon, Segolene Royal eases grip by announcing in addition to the extent claimed by the mayor of Paris Monday if pollution has not decreased.

Round 5: Royal tackle, Hidalgo wins

media Joust between Anne Hidalgo and Ségolène Royal on Saturday in the columns of Paris . The first claims that “the health of Parisians and people can not negotiate,” but refused to react to the attacks of the second.

The Minister did not scroll, it shall give a layer requesting that “elected officials, mayor of Paris and the region are put before their responsibilities, support and coordinate”. Ségolène Royal, the City of Paris should “establish free transport sooner.”

The end is known: Anne Hidalgo announced the setting up of alternating traffic, but for now, the state has not confirmed. Win on points or bluff on the referees?




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