Friday, May 29, 2015

The UMP officially becomes “The Republicans” – TF1

Do not say UMP and Republicans ! Friday night Nicolas Sarkozy has announced that the new name had garnered the backing of 83% Activists (46% participation in the vote). “Republicans, it is not only the new name of a party. This is the rallying cry of all those and all those who suffer to see the Republic back every day and want to oppose this decline denial determined, “wrote the president of the UMP late on the new party’s website.

After a legal battle and strife, “The Republicans” is formalized by a “Calling all Republicans of France” published by Nicolas Sarkozy. “Republicans, thus are called those who are fighting for the emancipation of the human person and for the self-determination”, if he ignites. “Republicans, thus are called those for whom the fight against fanaticism and fundamentalism, against obscurantism and unreason, against barbarism and savagery that threatens every form of civilization in the world, beyond the right and the left. ”

8 out of 10 French unconvinced by the change

Former UMP logo will now be replaced by a frame surmounted by a tricolor tricolor R. “Republicans in France, you who think democracy is greater with the Republic without it, you watching the Republic as a hope, the first of our common duty is to preserve it not our children that hope? (…) So that tomorrow our children find confidence in the future by continuing to write a history of freedom, equality, fraternity and secularism, let us unite. ” The name change must be ratified Saturday to Congress “founder.

militants have supported their choice of president, the French as a whole are rather skeptical. According Odoxa a poll for Le Parisien and iTELE-Today in France, 79% believe that the name change will not allow the opposition party to know a new start. They are even 60% among supporters of the right. Poor new accompanying another, they are even 72% (50% among supporters) hoped that Nicolas Sarkozy is not the candidate of the right in 2017.


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