Sunday, March 20, 2016

Aurelie Chatelain murder: a decisive recovery in Villejuif – Le Figaro

The young woman was found dead in his car April 19, 2015 while his alleged killer, Sid Ahmed Ghlam planning to attack a church.

A key reconstruction. Sunday morning was held the reconstruction of the murder of Aurelie Chatelain, this young woman of 32 years, victim of Sid Ahmed Ghlam April 19, 2015 in Villejuif. The crime took place on the sidelines of a planned attack against a church in the city.

The operation began shortly after 09am in the presence of the alleged killer and family members of the victim . Shortly before, two vehicles, including that of the victim, were transported to the scene and the street, near the Institute Gustave Roussy Cancer in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), where the young woman had been found, was cordoned off. The family members of Aurelie Chatelain “want to understand why he was killed and how. The purpose is to check everything Ghlam could say and if it holds up, “said their lawyer, Antoine Casubolo Ferro told reporters

” Villejuif. An alleged accomplice of Sid Ahmed Ghlam indicted

According to the alleged killer, a shot was fired accidentally, killing the woman. Since the beginning of the investigation, the Algerian computer science student claims to be a stranger to death Aurelie Chatelain. He said he would not have acted alone and was helped by an accomplice since he was identity. But many clues merge in the murder.

He also said investigators want to protect it. Similarly, says there have pulled himself over, before the death of Aurelie Chatelain, preferring to be taken by the authorities than suffer the wrath of Islamist networks.

“Sid Ahmed Ghlam moving in the same sphere as Mohamed Merah

the use of two computers seized from his home showed that the man is actually the heart of a nebula feeding several terrorist projects in the territory French. A train full of passengers, but also the Sacred Heart Basilica, symbol planted at the top of Montmartre in Paris, were among his targets.

Sunday’s reconstitution is to replay the scene in chronologically showing the facts described by the accused and that the chain seems extremely confused. It is to confront the facts and findings of the investigation with the version of Sid Ahmed Ghlam.

The judge, the prosecutor Francois Molins, and counsel for the parties are present and can ask questions throughout the reconstruction.

Sid Ahmed Ghlam is currently incarcerated at Fresnes prison and placed in solitary confinement. The man with the impressive physique is seen by investigators as a very intelligent person and extremely manipulative.


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