Monday, May 4, 2015

New disinformation aimed Najat Vallaud-Belkacem – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Certainly, the Minister of Education is a prime target for disinformation. A quote attributed to him and circulated in recent days on social networks:

“In a Muslim country like France, it is not normal that there is still some French who reject Islam would require National Education establishes in its Koranic principles programs to get used to the French from an early age. Allow sailing, learn passages of Korans (sic) and Muslim culture. That’s what really needs France. After all we should not forget that in contrast to Christianity, Islam is compatible with democracy! “Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister of Education, 12 July 2006, on the plateaus (sic) RTL.

1. Where does the rumor?

It’s hard to find the origin of this image, he appeared a few days ago on the social networks. Its shape, a text associated with a photo, is a classic images that often occur militants profiles.

As usual, she knows some success, mainly in the extreme right, where Najat Vallaud -Belkacem is one of the most hated figures. They are thus in a FN account and another of a militant Bloc identity we find the first of the image sharing

Comments to this photo are captioned. – Unsurprisingly – of violence certain.


2. Why is it wrong?

Not surprisingly, impossible to find any mention of this quotation or method available outside this caption image. . But it seems difficult to believe that such a declaration would have gone completely unnoticed

Other obvious elements show that this is a fake:

-. In 2006, NVB was not yet known At this time, when Jacques Chirac was head of state, M me Vallaud-Belkacem was obviously not yet Minister . But she was not a national figure of the Socialist Party: it then had just been elected Regional Councillor of Rhône-Alpes in 2004. And it will be designated Ségolène Royal’s spokesman few months later, in February 2007.

In 2006, M me Vallaud-Belkacem was undoubtedly a rising among the young cadres of the PS, but she had little national prominence political, let alone the general public

-.. No Najat Vallaud-Belkacem invited RTL that day If we look a little, we can find the RTL invited this July 12, 2006: Jean-Michel apathy received General Henri Bentegeat, then Chief of Staff of the armed, came to talk to the military parade two days later

– M me Vallaud-Belkacem holds opposite positions . Rest the bottom of the comments attributed. Besides that is unclear what French policy might hold, the case is especially bad choice in terms of M me Belkacem: if it claims believer, she readily explains to have never been an “regularly practicing”

For example, it opposed the wearing of the full veil, and so explained the Moroccan Yabiladi website at the time of the controversy over the veil in 2010.

“The very fact that women wear burqas in France, their number is increasing or not, (…) shows clearly a serious problem. The wearing of the burqa by women, for whatever reason, whether it be a personal choice or decision imposed and sustained by others, goes against everything I believe with all my values, my vision of society and emancipation of the human person. “

As minister of women’s rights, it was also highlighted during the vote of the opening of marriage to same sex in 2012 and 2013. In 2014, she recalled in a speech his commitment to secularism.

3. Why this is absurd text

Last, if one were needed: the content of words associated with M me Vallaud-Belkacem is nonsense that no French politician knowing a Minimum institutions could not pronounce:

“Building Koranic principles” to school is impossible, except by referendum to change the Constitution and return to the Ferry laws, that make France and his school of lay spaces, where we practice so no learning “principles” religious. Nobody, however, did venture to propose the

“Allow veil” is just as inept. It is not banned in public places. What is prohibited is the port of “conspicuous religious symbols” in school, and the fact that “wear clothing intended to conceal his face” public space. So, in the street, the full veil, not the simple scarf worn on the hair (which is however prohibited in public schools)

-. Finally, many passages of this text emphasize the apocryphal. So the phrase “unlike Christianity, Islam is compatible with democracy” recalls the words of Francois Hollande after the attacks of 11 January. The Head of State recalled that “Islam is compatible with democracy” . As regards the passage about the programs of Education, they are reminiscent of the controversy created by some right-wing circles and extreme right against the reform of history teaching. These criticisms focus in particular on the place of the study of Islamic civilization. Another similarity, the extreme right in the departmental elections waved a slogan “no to the obligation to learn passages from the Koran in school,” , taken by some FN candidates.


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