Friday, February 19, 2016

DIRECT Hollande fears an “indirect” war between Russia and Turkey – Les Echos

Francois Hollande imposes a break at the European summit on Brexit. The president is the guest of France Inter for two hours. This includes to report on the progress of ongoing negotiations in Brussels, but also reflect on the reform of the labor code made by its minister this week.

This reform radical sparked an outcry within the majority, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis up to declare “that is” he “would have difficulty voting” text. Manuel Valls for his part expressed broad support for the text of his minister. It would be under his leadership a reference to 49.3 was made by Myriam El Khomri. Direct its intervention.

6:20 p.m. The migration crisis

Decisions on migration crisis were taken . There are 80,000 refugees arriving per month by Turkey. It is necessary that the country could keep as much as possible these as close as possible to their home countries refugees. We need help to do it, was laid down. It must also establish a coastguard system. NATO will participate. Finally, it is necessary that Greece should establish these hot-spot in order to return to their country of persons who can not claim asylum. If Schengen is no longer applied, what will it happen? These refugees will stay in Greece? How can a country in such a situation will he be able to? So we need guarantees that the borders remain open within Schengen. Hence the importance of the external borders. The restoration of national borders, it is the end of Europe. We need to strengthen external borders, to prevent national decline.

The Schengen area has been in trouble because we are facing a particularly difficult situation. The immigration we have already known. There is a new phenomenon: an immigration outcome of the war.

6:30 p.m. Indirect War between Russia and Turkey

Turkey welcomes a lot of refugees. I commend his effort. But then there is a risk of indirect war with Russia. Therefore there was a meeting of the UN Security Council. We must resume negotiations as soon as the bombing stops, that we find a solution. Otherwise what shall we? an explosive situation that will always create more refugees.

6:33 p.m. The Franco-German

The Franco-German couple has not been in trouble the migration crisis. Our relations have been particularly successful. I think in particular Ukraine and migrants. But our situations are different. Germany has hosted several million, France, a few thousand. They are not gone further than Germany. Germany can not accommodate more refugees. She wanted to appear generous. But it cost him and the long term. We must also welcome our share of refugees.

6:38 p.m. On the Brexit and the City

Britain wants a special status for the City. I can not accept it. Because it means that French banks would not have the same facilities, the same benefits on the pretext that they would not in London. And we can not accept that London has a veto over what we do in the euro area. Despite these bottlenecks, we will find an agreement.

I agree that the UK wants to go to a different speed within Europe. But I do not want to block the advance of those who want to continue. I think of Italy, in Germany in particular.

6:43 p.m. on the CAP

France also has a bargaining power. On the Common Agricultural Policy, I said it was not possible to accept a European budget in which France would not receive its share of the CAP. Because a crisis of French farmers, it affects the whole of Europe. This is why I defended our rights.

6:45 p.m. federal Europe

J ‘I made a proposal of a government of the euro area with its own budget. What matters is that we can move to fewer in Europe. The founding countries have a mind and a will. We must return to more federalism, for example on defense, putting resources in common. The budget for the euro zone could be a fiscal federalism primer.

6:50 p.m. the rise of the extreme right

in many countries, the extreme right is the leading political party. This should make us think. The extreme-right in Europe grew. Here every leader at the table tells me about his extreme right. What can Europe do? Europe has the legal means to prevent a country from offending democratic principles. We have the capabilities to implement these procedures. When there are attacks on freedom of the press, we can suspend a country of the European Union. This was never the case, but we can go far.

6:55 p.m. the fight against terrorism

If there is no project, there will be no Europe. Europe, it must be both a project and protection. The terrorist threat is still high today. I do not want to use this threat for measures that would not be necessary. But I will not deny it.


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