Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bataclan “effective response” to the police, judge parliamentarians – The Point

The work of the police hailed by parliamentarians. Members of the parliamentary commission of inquiry were indeed deemed “effective” Thursday the police intervention at the Bataclan, where she arrived “fifteen minutes” after the start of the massacre on 13 November.

“services performed as needed”

in the morning, a delegation of the commission of inquiry on the “means used by the State to fight against terrorism” since the attacks in January 2015 surveyed for two hours the concert hall, “to understand the chronology” of horror. And probably in response to criticism that burst on the side of victims’ families, the “lack of information”, the “rivalry” between supposed security services and justice, “lack of communication” of the commission.

“We can be proud of our response forces. Our feeling is that service functioned as it should. From the moment a policeman killed a terrorist, there has been no new person killed, “said the press Meyer Habib MP (UDI) after a closed visit to the press .

Shortly before him, another MP and former head of counter-terrorism prosecutor of Paris, Alain Marsaud (LR), explained: “We have reconstructed minute by minute the events. First the ground floor and upstairs. I am a former of these services (anti-terrorism). I never imagined we would be able to intervene with the speed and efficiency that in Paris. “” It took them two hours to get to the end of the progression (and storm, Ed), but fifteen minutes for the first police make evacuate the first victims, “a-t- he said, rejecting the idea of ​​an “artificial war between fonts.”

“Font war artificial”

the attacks of 13 November, which hit eight sites in Paris and Saint-Denis, were 130 dead and hundreds injured. The total number of victims, physical or psychological, is estimated at 4 000. Bataclan, where 90 people died, jihadists came to 21 h 42 – according to an SMS sent by one of them to Belgium – a Commissioner of the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC) between 22 hours and pulled one of the bombers, whose vest explodes. BIS (Brigade de recherche et d’intervention) arrives at 22 h 15, quickly followed by the raid, another elite police corps. The final assault was given at 0 h 18, according to investigators. “It takes time to secure the area. The terrorists could blow up. There were people in the pit of death, injury, it was terrible, but they did their job, “said Meyer Habib.

A tribute shaped observation far from meeting pain and questions from families. “We still do not know what time our children died. The certificate (death) was “between 13 and 14 November.” We do not know when help arrived, “said Nadine Ribet-Reinhart, the son of 26, Valentin, died at the Bataclan. She arrived, furious and sad, at 9 am 30, denouncing “an outrageous travesty” of justice, having just heard on the radio that a “reconstruction” was to take place “without counsel, without civil party without victim “.

the report in July

” Our goal is to shed light. It’s good for the victims as we work, “replied the chairman of the parliamentary committee, Georges Fenech (LR). Before the start of the visit, the MP said that it was “not a reconstruction, which falls justice,” but to seek to draw a timeline to understand, in the presence of police, “why took three hours between the first attack and (the end of) the procedure, three hours to extract the last victims’. “We first heard the victims. We would have criticized us for not having gone to the Bataclan, “noted the deputy PS Sébastien Pietrasanta, rapporteur of the commission, which is expected to report in July.


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