Thursday, March 17, 2016

She has the remuneration of officials really fallen? – Point

Salaries frozen for six years, purchasing power down 8%, etc., public service unions have not skimped to convince the government to finally increase the famous point index, which serves calculation treatment based public Service.

with the approach of the presidential election, the new Minister of public Service Annick Girardin finally let go during a wage appointment long planned with the government but delayed because of redesign, two increases of 0.6% of the index point. A first in July 2016 (when inflation is zero or even negative) and a second in February 2017.

Three difficult years

A proposal considered by many trade unions as unacceptable in view of the loss of purchasing power. Yet the reality is more nuanced. If the point of civil service index is frozen since July 2010, which would have brought seven billion in savings over five years according to the Ministry, its effect on wages is lower to what the unions.

According to a report from the Court of Auditors * July 2015, the average salary of the three public officials (state, territorial and hospital) declined three consecutive years, from 2010 to 2013, when the inflation taken into account, despite the effect of the progress of individual careers, categorical measures and a “guarantee of purchasing power.” In private, it happened only one year, in 2012. The net salary of civil servants has fallen even more it was impacted by the increase in their pension contributions decided in the 2010 reform of Nicolas . Sarkozy

effects of

But the magistrates of the Rue Cambon are quick to clarify: “This reflects much of the structural effects of wage policies different. In particular, to deal with the economic downturn, the private sector has more modulated its workforce (lower volumes of jobs), but slightly reduced the increase in average wages per head for the employed. The public sector, however, continued to recruit, while moderating further pay increases. “In sum, there had been an exchange between job security and wage growth during the crisis.

But the decline of the average wage in the state civil service is mainly in perspective because it is also explained by the strong momentum of retirements of the highest paid civil servants (as end of career), as noted by the Court of Auditors.

A purchasing power maintained

once removed this effect, the average earnings of people posted two consecutive years continued to increase even in 2011, 2012 and 2013, except for the agents of the public hospital in 2012 (- 0.1%). “Thus, the wage policy measures taken since the crisis have not averaged eroded the purchasing power of workers,” says the Court of Auditors.

The fact remains that ” the finding of a more pronounced slowdown in wages in the public sector than in the private sector is also true for agents in place two years running. “

a complicated equation

If the progress of treatment in the public service may therefore seem legitimate, this applies no less a problem for the public accounts. And for good reason: personal expenses reached € 278 million in 2014, including 121 million for the state civil service. This represents almost a quarter of total public expenditure, or 13% of annual national wealth!

The gesture of the government, not budgeted for 2016, expected to cost “2.4 billion euro “, including € 552 million for the hospital public service and 648 million for the territorial public service, according to the minister.

It comes after the first concessions to officials last year . According to the Court of Auditors, the reform grids adopted by the government “could have an annual cost, net of premiums of integration in the index base, 2.5 to 3 billion euros for the public service of State and 4.5 to 5 billion for the whole of the public service in 2020 horizon. ” Expenditure in addition to the revaluation of 1.6 million agents in category C of the 5.4 million civil servants in total, decided in 2014.

An impasse?

Worse, the government seems unable to make choices. Indeed, it has abandoned its goal of stabilizing the workforce from the law in 2016 finances and more after the attacks of Paris, the increases in the defense and security have not been offset by an adjustment “due to competition in other departments “.

downsizing is nevertheless the main lever identified by the Court of Auditors to meet growth targets of payroll in the State civil Service passed by Parliament. This involves making choices about the missions assumed by governments. Clearly, this should be delegated to the private sector. Except for having to announce the officials it must again freeze their index point after 2017, also cut public spending or pass up the deficit.

* The payroll of the State Issues and levers, July 2015


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