Friday, February 10, 2017

“Bamboula that’s about right” : a unionist policeman causes an uproar – The Obs

Large regular media, Luc Poignant, a member of the union Unit police SGP-FO, was a guest of the issuance of the decryption “C in air” on Thursday 9 February on France 5. And his remarks on the relations between police and young people of suburb have literally taped Caroline Roux.

This last was reacting to a story by referring to the testimony of a young girl : “This young girl that says, ‘We get to control, treat of ‘bamboula’, spit’ : can be affabule-t-it, but there’s also this version, which means that it comes to this kind of extreme”.

“Because the words, ‘bamboula’… okay, that is not to say, etc., etc. It still remains to be just about suitable,” replies the then Luc Poignant.

“No,” retorted the journalist of the tac to the tac. “Well,’asshole cop’ this is not suitable either,” retorted Luc Poignant. “In the two senses, it is not suitable”, the stop the journalist. “This is the conversation that there is between the two… that’s the problem”, opposes to him there.

“Depressing and dramatic,”

about Luc Poignant to have triggered an avalanche of reactions outragées on the social networks. Personalities like the former minister Christiane Taubira, the number of labour Force Jean-Claude Mailly, or the actor Thomas Ngijol in particular reacted.

“This word is a racist insult, therefore, an offence punishable of the courts”, also wrote on Twitter, Rama Yade.

Invited on the set of i-Télé, the ex-minister and candidate to the presidential adds that Luc Poignant “bring shame to the whole profession, that had no need of it at this time.” “When are we going to stop to humiliate a whole section of countries ?”, she says.

the voices Of anonymous have been added to the general feeling.

“Requirement of mutual respect”

Bruno Le Roux sentenced Thursday night about. “In all circumstances, the ideals, the ethics, the respect of the people and the values of the Republic, must guide the action and behavior of the forces of order,” recalled the minister of the Interior in a press release.

“The trust relationship between

the French and the policemen and the gendarmes responsible for the protection must be based on an absolute requirement of mutual respect”, stressed Bruno Le Roux.

The minister, “calling each of you, in the current context, to show composure and control in his expression and conduct”

Luc Poignant, has also attracted the ire of his own trade union organization. Unit SGP-FO “wishes to make a formal denial to the statements made by its representative who has not taken the measure of those wanting to just put into perspective of verbal abuse compared to physical aggression,” said the union in a press release, before presenting “all’s apology to people who might have been shocked by his words.”

Contacted by FranceInfo, Luc Poignant apologized : “The word ‘suitable’ was poorly chosen on my part,” admits the spokesperson for the trade union.

“I was trying to demonstrate that in order to renew ties in this tense context, he had respect from both sides. But if someone was able to feel hurt, I offer him my sincere apology : it was not my purpose.”

Sanction immediate

” SOS Racism said in a statement that it “will ensure that the union Unit SGP Police takes its responsibilities to sanction immediate” against Luc Poignant, whose remarks are “intolerable”.

“Any comparison is an insult and worse when it is pronounced by an expert of the media master of his word,” adds the press release.

But Yves Lefebvre, secretary-general of the union, told FranceInfo that he didn’t want to take sanction against Luc Poignant. “He has had a word unfortunate, but I know that he is not racist. I’ll put her on suddenly tired,” he said.

A. S.


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