Saturday, February 11, 2017

Centre for de-radicalisation of Pontourny : the residents are demanding the closure, elected officials, think – Europe1

Saturday morning, an association of local residents organising a protest calling for the closure of the centre for de-radicalisation of Pontourny, in the Indre-et-Loire. The structure is now empty, as you revealed to Europe 1 on Thursday. While it has a capacity of 30 people, the centre has counted a maximum of nine residents. Indeed, the admission is done on the volunteering.

Residents are too free. The inhabitants of Pontourny are protesting in particular against the fact that the centre has hosted profiles are far more dangerous than guaranteeing authorities. “As it is an open centre, we do not control the movements of residents. They do what they want, they leave. On a shot in anger, they can enter a house, wait at the exit of a school,” storm Valerie on Europe 1.

Moratorium requested. Laurent Baumel, member of parliament for the Indre-et-Loire is more reserved about the future of the site : “The issue of closure is raised. The State said he wants to continue the experience. Then, in the absence of the close, it has requested the establishment of a moratorium. That one there is no more person in the coming months in order to get the warranty concrete that there will be no new quack”.


place to be inadequate. Several elected officials are in favour of a permanent closure of the centre Pontourny. This is the case of senator ecologist of the Val-de-Marne, Esther Benbassa. She leads the mission with information on the de-radicalisation in the Senate. “I do not believe that this centre can serve up to something. I was amazed to see what happens there, and the disorder that reign. Everything is made of bric-a-brac, therefore, nobody wants to stay,” critical-t-it at the micro Europe 1. “How is it that, in this framework, we can place the volunteer on a positive path ? The rehabilitation of these young people must be done through a professional rehabilitation very accompanied, and not by this kind of place, inappropriate. One can not keep a centre who had never hosted more than 10 residents”.


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