Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hand of Justice – “The match is not finished” for the lawyer for Luka Karabatic – L’É

Handball Justice

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Handball - Handball - Jean-Marc Darrigade (right), with Jeny Pray, in front of the brothers Karabatic. (S. Thomas/Team)

Jean-Marc Darrigade (right), with Jeny Pray, in front of the brothers Karabatic. (S. Thomas/The Team)

Jean-Marc Darrigade (counsel for Luka Karabatic, who was sentenced by the court of appeal of Montpellier) : “We are disappointed by this decision, it was thought to have been heard. Symbolically, the use of a suspended prison sentence is a strong way to hit. The fines have not changed in spite of the requisition of the Public Ministry, which demanded much more. It is now necessary to reflect, to take advantage of the five days we have to see if we continue the fight. The game is not finished. I think it is appropriate to continue because the constituent elements of the offence are not met.”

Philippe Nemausat (lawyer of Nikola Karabatic) : “The image of Nikola Karabatic is something immensissime. You can not tarnish. He has just been elected best player of the World, it is the new world champion, he is untouchable. The decision of justice, it is something else.”

Luc Abratkiewicz (counsel for Mladen Bojinovic) : “My client is obviously disappointed, one has the impression that the justice does not want us to hear. There may be a glimmer of hope because we are no longer on the rigged match, but on the paris. We will lodge an appeal and we will demonstrate that the bet is

rigged is not an issue penal but disciplinary, and that justice cannot condemn them in this case.”

“These great sporting events (…) are setting a bad example” (lawyer of the French Games)

Thierry Herzog, lawyer of the French Games) : “A court or tribunal has recently made a decision and said, with the exception of one of the accused, that the acts of fraud are characterized, either as author or as a partner. The Française des Jeux is received in the constitution of the civil party and of those who are condemned are to repay the amount of the sums unduly levied to the tune of € 300,000. These great athletes, for whom the days go by and not alike, are therefore declared guilty of a cheat. It is a serious matter and the fact the sad thing is is that these athletes supposed to give the youth of our country an example, give, by the place of the trial and the judgment which has just been given a poor example.”

Marc Gallix (counsel Mickaël Robin) : “from the moment Michael Robin was the only one not to have bet, it was difficult to condemn it. Now, I do not jump on the table. This is of course a very good thing for him. There will be no financial consequence, it’s a boy with modest incomes, and I am very happy for him. From the moment when the position of the prosecution was to say : I do not make the demonstration that the first half was rigged, I make the demonstration that there has been a decision of the paris massive, I knew that I had a serious chance to be acquitted.”

P. P. in Montpellier,


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