So that “Le Canard enchaîné” has gone out of new revelations in its edition of 1st February, French prime minister François Fillon has seen his nomination to the presidential election increasingly weakened.

Read also : The five cases Fillon for those who haven’t followed anything
- Francois Fillon denounces “a coup d’etat institutional” of ” the left “
French prime minister François Fillon started the day by wanting to reassure the parliamentarians of the Republicans during a closed-door meeting at his headquarters to campaign, in Paris. He has denounced ” a coup d’etat institutions “ against his candidacy for the presidential election, accusing the ” left “ and ” power “ to be at the origin. He asked the parliamentarians LR of ” take fifteen days “ behind him, because “ we will have the results of this investigation. “ at the end of this period, according to him.
” The credibility of my application is in question “ in this case, he continued :
” This, I tell you immediately, it does not come from us, it comes not from our ranks. Don’t listen to those who say this are our own friends for revenge and each other have mounted this case. “
The executive has not been slow to respond to these accusations. the ” The only power is that of justice “, said the Elysee, Agence France-Presse. The government spokesman, Stéphane Le Foll, then stated to the output of the council of ministers that ” the question that is being asked is not that of a coup from the left. Each must assume its responsibilities, the French simply expect truth and transparency “.
Read also : Case Penelope Fillon : the candidate LR denounces “a coup d’etat institutional” came from ” the left “
- mps begin to question the nomination Fillon
Despite the discourse that is offensive to the candidate of the Republicans, the first dissenting voices on the right have begun to appear. the ” The situation is compromised “, was launched on Wednesday afternoon, the mp, the LR of the Rhône George Fenech on Franceinfo. It calls ” cause a national council extraordinary “ to ” to take a decision in emergency case “.
” I think that the result of the primary is now obsolete in the face of this unpredictable event, which is not only on the court register but also a register of ethical and moral. And I don’t see how a political family like mine, which aims to ensure the government, may submit to a decision of a judge, which should occur within a fortnight, we said François Fillon. “
In the aftermath, it is the mp, the LR of the Channel, Philippe Gosselin, who ” called Mr. Fillon to ask questions about its removal “ and says it is ready to support Alain Juppé. the ” the gall of The doubt is installed, “ he regretted the national Assembly, saying also speak on behalf of a group of parliamentarians who could take an initiative soon. But for Benoist Apparu, a spokesman for Mr Fillon and close to Alain Juppé : ” This is not a good idea to launch this type of assumptions. “
in the Face of these doubts that are beginning to emerge, François Fillon is committed to fight ” until the end “. “I have been elected at a primary copy. Democracy, it tells you something ? “ , he responded Wednesday afternoon on the sidelines of a visit to the Salon des entrepreneurs in Paris, during which he also acknowledged that he was not to ” a pleasant time “.
” The voters have spoken, four million voters, this is not nothing “, has also said the candidate. The president of the high authority for the primary from the right, Anne Levade, is then coming to the rescue of Mr. Fillon. the ” The
Read also : Case Penelope Fillon : what are the consequences on the campaign of the Republicans ?
- The substitute of François Fillon heard by the justice
This is one of the protagonists of the ” Fillon “. Marc Joulaud, former deputy François Fillon and ex-employer of Penelope Fillon, was heard Wednesday by the central Office for the fight against corruption and violations of financial and tax, in Nanterre. According to his lawyers, he provided to investigators in the ” the set of elements specifying the function occupied by Penelope Fillon at his side “.
Marc Joulaud was replaced in July 2002, François Fillon, as a member of the Sarthe, after the latter had been appointed minister of social affairs and labour. M. Joulaud was then hired in the wake of Penelope Fillon as assistant parliamentarian, according to Le Canard enchaîné. The investigators are looking now to determine if Mme Fillon has actually engaged in an activity.
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Interviewed by the satirical weekly, Jane-Robinson-Behre, who was an associate of M. Joulaud, when he was an mp between 2002 and 2007, would have had to collaborate with Mme Fillon. But she told the Duck have ” never worked with her. I have no info on this subject. I only knew him as the minister’s wife “.
- ” The Obs ” has found the employment contracts of Penelope Fillon
According to Obs, the contracts of employment of Penelope Fillon show that the wife of the candidate LR the presidential election was supposed to work in the premises of the permanence RPR de la Sarthe in le Mans. However, according to the weekly, ” no one has seen it work “ to this place.
Asked by Obs, the attorney of François Fillon, Antonin Levy, tried to justify the situation : ” This is the address that appears on the contract has been added, a scripture that is not recognized. This address, in addition, is not that of the permanence of the mp but that of the party, the RPR, so this is not his own. We do not have an explanation on the reasons why figure this reference added. “
- Francois Fillon tumbles in voting intentions
Since the first revelations of the Duck chained, the voting intentions in favour of François Fillon does not stop it from collapsing, according to two surveys published on Wednesday.
According to a poll conducted (1) by Elabe for Les Echos and Radio Classic, the candidate of the right never received more than 19 % to 20 % of the vote, according to François Bayrou is the candidate or not, is five to six percentage points lower than in January. It dégringolerait for the benefit of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, while Benoît Hamon wins ten points.
And according to an IFOP survey-Fiduciary (2) for Paris Match, and i-Tele, Mr Fillon would come second (21 % of voting intentions) behind Marine Le Pen (24 %). But it was only a few points Emmanuel Macron (20 %) and Benoît Hamon (18 %), which corresponds to the margin of error.
(1) Survey conducted on the Internet, on 30 and 31 January with a sample of 1 053 people representative of the French population aged 18 years and over.
(2) This latest survey is based on a questionnaire that was available online between 29 January and 1st on February 1 409 persons extracted ” a sample of 1,500 people representative of the French population aged 18 years and over “, says South Radio.

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