In a video that needs to broadcast the program ” special Envoy “, Penelope Fillon was filmed in 2007 stating that it has “never” been an assistant to her husband.
- ” I was never his assistant “
The program “special Envoy” should broadcast on Thursday 2 February in the evening, on France 2, video excerpts previously unpublished interview of Penelope Fillon, in which, she says, about her husband, that she did ” never been her assistant “ and it is ” not occupied in its communication rather than “.
words that come to pose a new shadow on the nature of his work when it was paid as an assistant parliamentary of her husband. According to Le Canard enchaîné, she has held this position between 1988 and 1990 and between 1998 and 2002, while several witnesses claimed to have no memory of it on the ground, feeding suspicions of the employment dummy.
Read also : The five business Fillon for those who haven’t followed anything
- The bodyguards of French prime minister François Fillon continued to acknowledge the power
In line with the statements of the candidate of the right, who had denounced a ” blow of State institutions “ came to ” left “, his lieutenants accuse a new time on Thursday morning, the power in place, not hesitating to throw names into a pasture.
” who benefits from the crime ? It is clearly in power, “ said Eric Ciotti, deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes, Franceinfo, and ” undoubtedly, it will benefit also to Emmanuel Macron “. Mr. Macron ” is very close to the president of the Republic, secretary general of the Elysee [Jean-Pierre Jouyet], who made up “, he added.
Interviewed by Public Sénat on the matter, the mp Bernard Debré, an adviser to François Fillon, said he was convinced that ” everything is mounted from the Elysée “ to ” fly to the right, his election “. He specifically referred to ” Mr. Nadal, who has been appointed by the government “, referring to the judge Jean-Louis Nadal, now at the head of the High Authority for the transparency of public life after having been attorney general at the Court of cassation. Debré says also that behind these revelations there is a ” advisor of François Hollande, who is here for this “.
- ” Our support for Francois Fillon is total “
in a column published In Le Figaro ten-seven elected representatives of the party The Republicans (LR) display
” If the fate of French prime minister François Fillon is important to us, the fate of France we are worried about, as the attempt of killing seeks to establish a face-to-face mortal : that between the left and the national Front, between the sham and adventure, between those who have failed and those that will fail. But the scheming and manipulative, be warned : we will never let to take hostage neither the democracy nor the destiny of our country. “
- A tribune in preparation for a ” plan B “
Philippe Gosselin, member LR of the Channel, which has been among the first to consider all of the top a withdrawal of the candidacy of François Fillon reiterated, on Thursday morning at the micro of RMC, that, according to him, the ” time is running out “ before the first round of the presidential election, on April 23. the ” If there is a need, we need to be ready “, he still insisted, because ” we are at a stage or no more hypothesis, positive or negative, can not be ruled out “.
The mp, who supported Alain Juppé in a primary, application again to the mayor of Bordeaux to prepare for and confirms the existence of a forum in the sense that would be ready to be signed by several dozens of members of parliament. On Wednesday evening, Alain Juppé, however, had swept away the fact that the ” plan B “.
” I said last week what I thought and I have not varied. In any case, I will not be the plan B. “
also Read : home Fillon breaks

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