Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Pen is presented in a candidate of “the people”, Mélenchon refuses the “tricks” – Le Figaro

Encouraged by polls favourable, Benoît Hamon did not intend to change. The winner of the primary of the Beautiful people’s alliance recalled Sunday, before the socialists, on the occasion of his inauguration. Aware that he must first gather your party before collecting the left, the rebellious was once again expressed on the question of the balance of the current quinquennium. The former minister listed the achievements that he considers positive, citing the no to Tafta, the marriage for All or even the action of Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, present in the assembly. Hamon has also paid tribute to François Hollande, whom he met this week. Apart from a handful of ministers discreet, the tenors of the governm ent were missing, such as Manuel Valls, officially went on vacation. His lieutenants followed the convention from the back of the room, abundant the press for their comments.

The socialist candidate, has defended his cape, his universal income, a key measure on which it is elected at the end of January and the cornerstone of its “future desirable”. He replied to Emmanuel Macron, who had attacked the night before on his program. “Everything is changing on the surface, that in reality nothing changes behind. We see the young cheetah, the creatures of the system that a clever handling suddenly transformed, by grace may be a large transformer, I don’t believe it,”

ironisé the former minister, who rejects the concept of a providential man. Hamon has devoted a large part of his speech to ecology, conversing eagerly with the candidate green Yannick Jadot to build a government agreement. The socialist also intends to engage in dialogue with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who poses as prior to the break with some representatives of the left government as Myriam El-Khomri, invested for the legislation. The member has asked not to require a & #8220;heads up”.

a Few minutes before him, the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, the boss of the socialist Party Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, or the former keeper of the Seals Christiane Taubira expressed. “Your application has already become a must, all together we will be with you,” assured the head of Solferino, lifting the applause of some 2,000 activists.

READ ALSO : The convention’s inauguration, the first trial by fire of the candidate Hamon


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