It was enough of a snap of the fingers so that the pressure falls and gives way to a roar collective. Sunday afternoon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon split to hold simultaneously a meeting in Lyon, and another, through the hologram, to the Docks d’aubervilliers, in the North of Paris. The operation, carefully sold as a “world first” by their teams for weeks, has been a real success.
a gesture – that people facetious compared to that of My witch beloved or, more “franchouillard”, Josephine, guardian angel – in a noise straight out of a movie from the saga Star Wars, the holographic image of the leader in France Insubordinate emerged on the parisian scene. Color, 3D, buttons of the jacket : all the details were there, until the appearance slightly faded jeans of the star of the afternoon. Only the spectators of the first rows have not had the perfect illusion of watching the leader of France rebellious flesh and bone.
“You really feel like you can touch it”. With the vast majority of activists, the technology demonstration has made its small effect. Aurélie was “blown away by the realism of the hologram. “You really feel like you can touch it”, slipping the young woman a 29-year-old, who has sometimes had to pull themselves together to concentrate on the speech and not allow themselves to be “absorbed by the technical prowess”. At her side, Matilda is enthusiasm. “This is huge”, breath the one who admits having had “a little stress” before, the idea that the device does not work.
Shot of stress visibly shared by the team of France insubordinate presents in Paris, compelled to deliver, before the appearance of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a meeting of meublage worthy of a chain of continuous information that has made laugh the activists. At the end of the meeting, the relief was at the height of the pressure. “It was wonderful”, welcomed Raquel Garrido, spokesperson for The France Insubordinate. “And we did it all alone, without the support of a tv channel !”
A “gadget” on the bottom serious. Charles, 49 years of age and a beard impressive, had come only for that, or almost. “Untamed” since last November, it “follows all the meetings of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the Internet” and therefore did not “really need to come”. “But I thought it was funny. It splits in two, it increases and, ultimately, it is a form of provocation funny.” A bit of a gimmick ? “Totally, but on a background of serious,” argues Charles. “The program and the candidate are for real. This does not prevent to play Star Wars.” The activist is clear about the operation of communication well-worn, behind. “This is also a way to get noticed. If Mélenchon had not made his meeting in the hologram, the media wouldn’t have said much.”
“technical dream”. Anticipating criticism, Jean-Luc Mélenchon himself has justified the use of
It is also a way to get noticed. If Mélenchon had not made his meeting in the hologram, the media wouldn’t have said much.
proposals for the digital economy and culture. And in fact, the speech of Jean-Luc Mélenchon has left a large place to this theme, as well as education, research, the environment and the culture. The candidate has given details of the proposals, such as, new, to levy fees on works that have “fallen into the public domain” to fund “cooperative” or “associations” of the “independent designers”.
Playing the card of modernity on the bottom to match its shape, leaves to be a little bland, the member of the european parliament spoke about video game – which is “to become a leading industry of the country,” because “play is not losing his time”, protection of personal data, and space conquest, that he does not want to see “privatized” by “the United States and the duchy of Luxembourg”. “When we prepared this meeting, we were not sure that [these themes] are interested in people. I know that these topics are of interest to you”, he started, a bit bravache, under a thunder of applause.
Electric mobs. If his meeting holographic has forced Jean-Luc Mélenchon to restrict his movements – he could not get out of an area of four metres by four metres, under penalty of disappearing from the scene d’aubervilliers, the mep has lost none of his verve as usual. Or its ability to add an electric touch to the crowds. Two halls full to the brim, according to the France insubordinate, 6,000 people had made the trip to Aubervilliers and 12,000 to Lyon – have launched their rallying cry, “Resistance!”, when the co-founder of the Left Party has boasted about his Life in the Republic, and refused all the “dirty tricks” and the “combined” policies.
Even skeptics of the conference holographic have got carried away. “I would have preferred it to be there, true. It makes it a little too much to try to be modern,” admits Catherine, little accustomed of meetings. “But after all, it is surely obliged to talk about it. And I think that the purpose was primarily to gather us all here.”

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