Monday, February 6, 2017

Penelope Fillon : “I’ve Never formalized my assistant parliamentary” – The World

During his hearing by the judicial police, the wife of the candidate of the Republicans for the presidential election has sought to justify the reality of his work of the associate parliamentary deputy François Fillon and his alternate, Marc Joulaud.

in the Face of the investigators of the judicial police, Penelope Fillon has defended itself foot to foot, Monday, January 30. In a long hearing, she attempted to justify the periods of time when the member of parliament François Fillon has been employed as an associate parliamentary, from 1988 to 1990 and from 1998 to 2002 and then from may 2012 to November 2013. the ” I was preparing fact-sheets “, she said, inter alia, according to the information of the World.

Read also : new elements of the investigation undermines the defence of François Fillon

the next day, Tuesday 31 January, the investigators went to the national Assembly for verification. They seized documents, including a folder – empty – in which appear the names ” Penelope “ and ” Sylvie “. Likely a book that is used by Penelope Fillon, and Sylvie Fourmont, another member of Mr Fillon. the ” I used to represent “, said Mme Fillon about her husband, citing in particular the baroque Festival of Sablé-sur-Sarthe. It has also ensured that it was transmitting applications for employment, such as claims, administration, holding the agenda of her husband, and by writing a press review.

the police have also quizzed on his or her employment with the member of parliament for the Sarthe, Marc Joulaud, from may 2002 to August 31, 2007, a time when François Fillon was successively a minister, a senator, and then prime minister. His compensation – the amount of which would have been established by M. Joulaud – was paid on his personal account, and then paid on the joint account of the couple Fillon. the ” It is M. Joulaud, which

determined the amount “, she told the police officers, in apparent contradiction with the words of Mr Fillon on minutes, claiming for its part to have decided her salary. It is, Mr Fillon would have occupied red tape : taxes, Urssaf…

” Two hats “

Why M. Joulaud ? the ” It needed me to assert his authority “, she told the police officers. She met M. Joulaud once a week to Paris, and once on the weekend, in the Sarthe, for talks ” very informal, “. Sometimes, it was ” notes “, for all that, there was, according to her, ,” no written record “ to the end of their meetings. Therefore, it had ” two hats “, she explained, while acknowledging that ” the people did not know [that it was] the assistant parliamentary M. Joulaud “. She confessed to the police : ” I’ve Never formalized my assistant parliamentary Marc Joulaud, not more than when I was doing the same work for my husband. “

During all these years, according to the counts of Duck chained, she would have received 831 440 euros gross. The investigators also feed on suspicions about his real role in the Revue des deux mondes,, which paid him about 100,000 euros as a consultant literary between may 2012 and December 2013. She would have written several notes, produced to the investigators, but encountered the hostility and the reluctance of Kinky Michel, director of the magazine. the ” things are not well spent, has also assured Mr Fillon to the police, the director of this journal was taken into the flu. “

Read also : Fillon, a retort-like operation survival


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