Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Case Penelope Fillon : the candidate LR denounces “a coup d’etat institutional” came from “the left” – The World

The presidential candidate asked the parliamentary group to take “15 days” behind him, the time that the investigation by the parquet national financier to be conducted.

It is a new attempt of defence for François Fillon. Enmeshed in the affairs for jobs alleged dummy of his wife, Mr. Fillon denounced Wednesday 1st February, ” a coup d’etat institutions “ against his candidacy for the presidential election, accusing “left ” and “power ” to be at the origin.

Read also : What we know of the case Fillon

” The credibility of my application is in question “ in this case, he complained during a closed-door meeting at his HQ of countryside in Paris, according to remarks reported by the Agence France-Presse by participants.

” This operation, I tell you immediately, it does not come from us, it comes not from our ranks. Don’t listen to those who say this are our own friends for revenge and each other have mounted this case “, has argued, Mr Fillon then that the deputies of LR are in disarray. At the same time

also Read : Fillon can he maintain his candidacy ?

Call to ” hold for 15 days “

Mr Fillon has asked the parliamentary LR of ” keep for 15 days “ behind him, he felt that ” in the 15 coming days, we will have the results of this survey. We will have the results of this survey because it is the eve of the presidential election “, he said. This while at the same time,

” And nobody can imagine that we take it hostage until the very last moment the presidential election and the candidate who has been designated by nearly 4 million French at the output of the primary right and centre “, he added.

And denounce :

” I live a experience of extraordinary violence, my family, my friends, ourselves, the credibility of our political family, of my application, everything is questioned, in the framework of an operation organized and professional (…) I know that others among you have already experienced moments like these. I think of them. Ca had never happened to me “

Read also : The defense while inaccuracies of François Fillon

Elysee’s response

The Elysée palace was quick to react to the accusations of Mr. Fillon, saying :

” The only power is that of justice “

Shortly before, the government spokesman, Stéphane Le Foll, had also reacted when reporting to the Council of ministers, deeming the accusations ” not acceptable[s] “ :

” The question that is being asked is not that of a coup from the left. Each must assume its responsibilities, the French simply expect truth and transparency “

The tenors LR fighting on the front lines

Many leaders of the party took the floor during the meeting, the parliamentarians, to take the defense of the candidate. So Jean-Pierre Raffarin, who launched, addressed to Mr Fillon :

” The French will recognize your resistance. The French will recognize your ability to stand straight, to stand up. It is necessary that we preserve, as we were standing up at the time of the reflux. (…) If we were disunited, we commettrions a heavy fault, because we remettrions in due alternation. “

The mp Thierry Solère, a spokesman for Fillon, has returned to the formula of the applicant, considering, in turn, that the” we are witnessing a coup d’etat institutions “ :

” they Are trying to prevent the French right and centre-right French (to have) its candidate in the presidential election. Nobody in our family policy

is not a dupe of this. (…) You have seen for the first time a politician who, at 90 days of a presidential election, is being challenged for facts that it assumes perfectly, that are legal. No one can prevent François Fillon to be present at the first round and the second round of the presidential election. “

On the other hand, other parliamentarians LR have begun to express their doubts, in particular Georges Fenech and Philippe Gosselin, referring to ” a very, very compromised “.

Read on the subject : the First hesitation in the camp of the elected Republicans

In the turmoil of the case of Penelope, François Fillon tumbles in voting intentions

voting intentions in favour of François Fillon collapse because of the case of the alleged ‘ghost’ employees, of his wife, according to a survey Elabe for Les Echos, and Radio Classique released on Wednesday 1st February. This investigation, it will be recalled, gives a snapshot of opinion at a time T, without prejudging the outcome of the election in April, and is significant of the movement of opinion in the face of two news items : the case of Fillon and the victory of Benoît Hamon in the second round of the primary to the left.

according To the survey, conducted over the Internet 30 and 31 January with a sample of 1 053 people representative of the French population aged 18 years and older, the candidate of the right, bring him down, in favor of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, while that of the socialist Party, which was very low in the voting intentions, win 10 points.

The first tower

  • Marine Le Pen won the first round in front of Emmanuel Macron

The president of the Front national is given an increase of 3 points compared to January, with 26 % to 27 % of voting intentions of those polled.

  • Emmanuel Macron and French prime minister François Fillon at the elbow-to-elbow

According to the figures of the poll, Emmanuel Macron, founder of power up !, would happen to second in the election, winning between 22 % and 23 % of the vote, when François Fillon never received more than 19 % to 20 %, depending on whether François Bayrou is the candidate of five to six percentage points lower than in January. It is this fall which is interesting, because if one takes into account the margin of error specific to this investigation, according to the scenarios, Emmanuel Macron may be behind François Fillon at the end of the first lap, like in front of him. The two men compete for the second place.

Another interesting fact, the fall of Mr Fillon is explained by the fact that it unites on its behalf that 56 % to 60 % of the voters of Nicolas Sarkozy in the first round of the last presidential election, 18% to 20 % preferring Emmanuel Macron, and 14 % Marine Le Pen.

Benoît Hamon, the winner of the primary organized by the PS, has seen a leap of 10 to 11 percentage points compared to the beginning of January, to 16-17 %, well ahead of the candidate of France insubordinate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (10 %, down 3 to 4.5 points).

second round

In the case of a second round between Marine Le Pen and François Fillon, the latter would win with 59 % of the vote.

If the president of the Front national was opposed to Emmanuel Macron, the other candidate Running ! would win with 65 %. Even if one takes into account the margin of error, in both cases, the opponent of Marine Le Pen would win the day.


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