The court of appeal of Montpellier has made its deliberations in the case of suspicious bets handball.
brothers Karabatic, Mladen Bojinovic regarded as the instigator of paris and the tobacconist Nicolas Gillet are convicted of fraud. They are condemned to heavier sentences to that in the first instance : suspended prison sentences. The companions of the players at the time of the offence are sentenced to a fine of simple.
Their lawyers are considering an appeal to the supreme court.
the prison with suspended sentence for 8 of the 16 defendants
the stars of The handball French Nikola and Luka Karabatic were sentenced three days after the coronation global Blue, a two-month suspended prison sentence and 10,000 euro fine each, in the case of paris surrounding the match Cesson/Montpellier in may 2012.
The two brothers, who were appearing alongside 14 co-defendants, had been sentenced in first instance to 10.000 euros fine for Nikola and 15,000 euros for Luka.
In the appeal, the advocate general had requested 40,000 euros fine against them.
The other penalties handed down Wednesday by the court of appeal of Montpellier in the region of € 10,000 fine, with probation, with 4 months suspended prison sentence and 40,000 euro fine. This last sentence refers to the tobacconist Nicolas Gillet, considered as one of the cornerstones of the case with the player Serbian Mladen Bojinovic, who has been sentenced to 4 months suspended prison sentence and 20,000 euro fine.
companions of the two brothers Karabatic have they been sentenced to a 10,000 euro fine.
When Mickaël Robin, he is eventually acquitted.
The defendants in the trial of the paris suspects MAHB June 2015 / France 3 LR
The 16 defendants, prosecuted for fraud or complicity of fraud, were accused of being involved in bets amounting to over € 100,000. These updates focused on the result at half-time of a match played and lost on 12 may 2012 in Montpellier, where then played Nikola and Luka Karabatic, in the face of the club Cesson.
“I am a stranger to all these paris“, had assured Nikola Karabatic at the bar during the appeal trial, denying also any rigging of the game. According to the global superstar of the hand, his companion Geraldine Pillet had a bet without him talking about it previously, and used his laptop without her knowledge to download applications related to these
paris –as many assertions that the young woman has confirmed.
His brother, Luka, also a member of the France team, however, has acknowledged that he bet with his girlfriend Jennifer Pray,
justice to the suspicion the players in montpellier to have rigged the game to win their bets. Montpellier, already crowned champion of France, was private for this match several players, including the brothers Karabatic, while Cesson trying to avoid relegation in the lower division.
Scam or not ? Lawyers suggest an appeal to the supreme court
“I am somewhat surprised by this decision because the elements constituting the fraud are not met,” responded to the press Philippe Nemausat, one of the lawyers of the brothers Karabatic.
“Symbolically, we wanted to hit hard with prison sentences, with probation,” she said of their other lawyer, Jean-Marc Darrigade.“This is a decision which calls to continue the fight”, he added: “We have five days to register an appeal” in cassation.
“The game continues !”, has introduced his colleague to Me Nemausat.
For the Française des jeux (FDJ), the civil party, Me Thierry Herzog felt that it was a “serious matter”, referring to athletes who “give a very bad example”.
“The image of Nikola Karabatic is inaccessible, we can’t tarnish,” he has told Me Nemausat.
The main convictions :
Nikola Karabatic : 2 months imprisonment suspended fine of 10 000 euros
Luka Karabatic : 2 months ‘ imprisonment and a suspended fine of 10 000 euros
Mladen Bojinovic : 4 months imprisonment suspended single and € 20 000 fine
Nicolas Gillet : 4 months imprisonment suspended 40 000 euros fine
Samuel Honrubia : 2-month suspended prison sentence fine of 15 000 euros
Issam Tej : 2 months assorted relief single and € 20 000 fine
Dragan Gajic : 2 months ‘imprisonment and suspension of simple and fine of 20 000
Primoz Prost : 2 months’ imprisonment suspended sentences simple and fine of € 10 000
Chokri Me Stale : 15 000 euros fine
Enzo Di Guardo : 10 000 € fine
Yann Montiège : 10 000 euros
Giuseppe Palombo : 10 000 € fine
Géraldine Pillet : 10 000 € fine
Jennifer Pray : 10 000 € fine
Ayoub Shah : fine of 10 000 euros with relief
Mickaël Robin has been cleared

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