Friday, February 3, 2017

The attendance of the museum of the Louvre and the Carrousel already affected by the terrorist attacks of 2015 – The World

The museum and the commercial center of the Carousel, which attract several million visitors, recorded a decline of more than 15 % of the number of visitors in 2016.

A man armed with machetes attacked a military operation ” Sentinel “, Friday, February 3, at the Carrousel du Louvre, the underground shopping centre next to the famous museum in paris. The area has been evacuated, including the visitors present in the halls of the museum.

The attack ” obviously a terrorist “, according to the prime minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, has proceeded in a very tourist district of Paris, where the attendance, in particular that of the foreign, is already suffering the fallout of the terrorist attacks of November 2015.

Read also : Tourism : France is in State of emergency

Carrousel du Louvre : attendance declined 17 %

Located in the basement of the palace of the Louvre, that a whole opened in 1993, is composed of a commercial gallery 13-100 m2, welcoming luxury brands (Apple, Lancel, Spring…) and a congress centre 7 100 m2.

On its website, the group Unibail Rodamco says that the Carousel welcomes 15 million people per year (or an average of almost 40 000 persons per day), half of whom were foreign tourists.

But due to fears of terrorist attacks in paris, the capital, the mall has recorded in 2016, a decrease of 17 %, announced on Wednesday that Jean-Marie Tritant, chief operating officer of Unibail-Rodamco, during the presentation of the results of the


Louvre Museum : attendance down 15 %

largest art museum in the world, the Louvre is also one of the most visited, with 7.3 million admissions in 2016, or 20 000 people on average per day, of which more than 70 % of foreign visitors. But attendance has dropped 15 % compared to 2015, due to fears of terrorist attacks and the closure of four days in June during the flood of the Seine. The number of French visitors remained stable around 2 million people according to the museum.

The attacks occurred in Paris in November 2015 had already resulted in a sharp drop in attendance which was felt on the whole of the year. The number of visitors has dropped in two years, from 9.3 million in 2014 to $ 8.6 million in 2015 and $ 7.3 million in 2016. Over the same period, the public school has been reduced by half, from $ 685 000 to 365 000 students between 2014 and 2016.


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