Thursday, February 9, 2017

Explosion at the central of Flamanville : “not a nuclear accident”, according to the Prefecture – Science and Future

The AFP ad this Thursday 9 February 2017 that an explosion has occurred at the nuclear power plant of Flamanville, in the Manche. According to the Agency, the event has not been seriously injured. But regrettably, “5 people slightly intoxicated”, always according to the same source. The explosion occurred about 10: 00 a.m. “non nuclear zone” according to the prefecture, which ensures that “the absence of any nuclear risk”. the “This is an event that is significant technical but it is not a nuclear accident” told AFP Olivier Marmion, director of cabinet of the prefect, stating that help was on the spot. The prod uction of the reactor 1, which has two in the central, has in consequence been stopped, according to the prefecture. The power plant of Flamanville is equipped with two reactors. In operation, their production represents 4.5% of the nuclear generation of france. That is, 80% of the power consumption of the Normandy. Flamanville account of a third reactor under

construction. Of EPR type, he has setbacks and delays. Thus, an audit of 2015 has shown that the problems of the vessel of the EPR of Flamanville was not the quality of legislation, which had been concealed by a system of concealment denounced by the French nuclear safety Authority (ASN), its president Pierre-Franck Chevet, who reported to the press on Wednesday 18 January 2017 as : “The DSC to strengthen its monitoring procedures and those of the industry so as to be able to detect the future of any falsifications”.


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