Monday, February 6, 2017

Suicide of a nurse at the hospital Georges Pompidou: “It was a guy in gold” – The Express

“It was a colleague, very, very appreciated,” insists Apollinaire Bonnereau, representative of the Sud union Health at the hospital Pompidou in paris. Has 3h10 Monday morning, a nurse who was not in service défenestré on the eighth floor.

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“This nurse normally worked in a team of locum night,” said the public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris (APHP), in a press release. “He was called to be versatile. It was working in all the conventional services of the hospital,” says Apollinaire Bonnereau, contacted by The Express.

“He was part of the house”

“It was a guy gold. We are dealing with a real pain. It was an ideal partner, it was autonomous, it fits easily in all the teams,” says the representative Southern Health, very moved. “I had to comfort many friends who knew him well. People say that he was working here for the past twelve years, other for sixteen years. He started as a caregiver, and has benefited from the promoting professional. It was part of the house!”

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on Monday afternoon, the Committee of hygiene, safety and working conditions (CHSCT) was held in the presence of the director-general of AP-HP, Martin Hirsch. “We have asked that an investigation be conducted by an outside agency,” says Apollinaire Bonnereau. “We can’t do it anymore. It is already our third survey since the beginning of the year. It is a lot.” The survey will help put in place prevention tools and “see what can be improved”.

Application for recognition in work accident

“We have also asked for a recognition of the suicide of our colleague in work accident, without prejudice to the outcome of the investigation, so that his family can be supported”, he adds. None of the people we met this Monday has been a lack of well-being experienced by the nurse. But the fact that he has committed suicide at his place of work is sufficient to apply for a recognition in a work accident, writes Apollinaire Bonnereau.

“How many will it take for the dead to put an end to the abuse institutional?” asks the press release of the national Union of professional nurses (SNPI). “The working conditions are deteriorating everywhere. The pressure becomes too harsh on the professionals that we push to the end,” says Thierry Amouroux, secretary general of the national Union of professional

nurses (SNPI) and the CFE-CGC, in the press release. Contacted by The Express, he said that “this suicide is clearly linked with its working conditions,” since the nurse is “come défenestrer on his workplace while he was off duty”.

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In its press release, the SNPI connects the “plan of disorganization of the working time imposed by the Directorate-General of AP-HP in September last” and the suffering at work. “Before, the schedules were more flexible. He had so many people in such a service, and people could arrange. Now, we requires 15 days in the morning followed by 15 days afternoon,” says Thierry Amouroux. The reduction of the transmission time between the two teams, “forces people to do work for free,” he adds.

“As France Telecom a few years ago”

Since this summer, at least five nurses have committed suicide. Dramas serially that have significantly moved the community’s health care. In response, in early December, Marisol Touraine, had unveiled a plan aimed at the improvement of the quality of work life of hospital. A month earlier, she had assured him that 31,000 jobs had been created in the public hospital since 2012. “But where are they?” asks Monday, Thierry Amouroux.

“The break point is reached. The hospital is in the situation of France Telecom a few years ago. It is important that policies make the link between their decisions and mortality”, he insists, citing international studies. As well, a report released in 2016 in the British Medical Journalshows that when the number of patients a nurse to the load decreases, the mortality decline also.

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In a press release, Marisol Touraine, said that he had “learned with great emotion the suicide” of the nurse. The minister of Health, “wish that all light be shed on the circumstances of the death” and “demand that the first results of the investigation conducted are made without delay”.


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