“Sad”, “forlorn”, “touching”. According to many internet users, Penelope Fillon seems to be living a “deep trouble” while her husband has access to Matignon. A video archive dating back to 2007 but aired Thursday night by Special Envoy on France 2, shows the wife of French prime minister François Fillon in a parisian café, when asked by a reporter for the Telegraph.
READ more >> Penelopegate: what would happen if François Fillon had to give up?
the wife of The presidential candidate of 2017 has already been employed for at least four years as a parliamentary attaché to her husband at the time to which it takes these about, says the magazine. However, she says that he has “never been his assistant, or anything of this kind”. “I am not busy in his communication, not more,” she adds, laughing, before resuming a more serious, in which some think they detect the “sadness”.
Even the expression of a woman’s “totally depressed”.
“She did not seem aware,” writes one user, in reference to the revelations of the Duck chained. The satirical weekly suggests that French prime minister François Fillon and his deputy Marc Joulaud could be assigned an employment fictitious assistant parliamentary Penelope Fillon, to more than 830 000 euros.
“Penelope didn’t know”
In the interview to the Telegraph, Penelope Fillon also tells about his daily life of a housewife. She says specifically that it comes to register at the university, for a course of English literature. “I realized that if I hadn’t had the last one [child], I would surely went to look for a job,” she says. I
For Cécile Duflot, the words of the wife of François Fillon to “breathe sincerity and sadness”. “The personal violence of what she is capable of living in the moment is so amazing. It should be supported and protected,” writes the deputy ecologist on Twitter.
She looked “so sad” that some see it as a form of innocence, and suggest that she was betrayed by her husband. “Penelope didn’t know”, hammer-they behind their television screens.
“A fictional life”
“This is Desperate Housewive”, reacts a user. “The life of Penelope seems to be a deep trouble. She seems sad. Detached. It is le”, he adds. “More than a job dummy, a fictional life!” says another, a little free.
“Moved to the side of his life”, “life ” sacrificed”, “relegated”… To some, the story is by Penelope Fillon in his interview to the English newspaper can even recall Flaubert.
“Sad fate Penelope”? Not really, replied the journalist Audrey Pulvar on Twitter. “Having children is forbidden for women to work, to flourish, to have a life? In this case, it was his choice.” She continues: “Frankly, an intelligent woman, a graduate, rather comfortable… millions of women in situations less favorable face.”

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