Thursday, February 9, 2017

Marine Le Pen, two hours in order to reassure the voters – The Figaro

Guest on The political Show, on Thursday evening, the FN’s candidate has defended his economic program while replicating to Patrick Buisson.

Thursday night on France 2, Marine Le Pen participated in the first important issue of the campaign. She arrived on the set of The political Showof France 2 with a confidence grounded on the stability of several surveys, favor, placing it at the top of voting intentions for the first round of the presidential election with estimates ranging between 24 % to 26 %.

The debate is open on one of the hot topics in the news. Asked about the case of the young Theo, a victim of police violence, the candidate of the Front national has judged the situation as “highly reprehensible” while calling for caution before any charge be final.

also defending on the case of parliamentary assistants, for which he was accused of having abused public money european, Marine Le Pen has rejected any comparison with the difficulties of his rival on the right in the presidential race. “The French are the difference between Mr. Fillon and me,” she insisted, before diverting the matter on a “dirty” smell of traffic of influence”.

in Addition to the confusion of the final debate between the invited and the minister of national Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the FN’s candidate was confronted, during the two hours, to several aspects of its program, of the economy, where she has demonstrated a certain degree of mastery of his subjects, to the immigration, where it has resumed the fundamentals of the FN.

the highlight of The show was the unexpected explosion of Patrick Buisson, a historian of sulphur and a former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, who came to question him on immigration and secularism. This was the opportunity for it to reassert its conception of the end of the cleavages left-right and the emergence of the ideological confrontation that she imagines between “globalists” and “the patriots”.

In a policy context troubled by the weakening of François Fillon to the right and pushed by the dynamic of Emmanuel Macron, left, Marine Le Pen had perfectly measured the importance of these debates, at least three months of the first round.

Regularly, she says her preference for a clash of the second round against Macron. It considers the

face-to-face interesting on the political level because it says it is convinced that the divide between “world citizens and patriots,” the linchpin of his argument, would be more evident in such a configuration.

so far, it does not rule out completely the hypothesis Fillon. “This could cause very fine debate, and not only on the case of Penelope” judge in his right arm, Florian Philippot. Social Security in Schengen, the vice-president of the FN believes that the subjects of confrontation and clarification, do not miss.

a Few days earlier, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen did not hesitate to target the electorate of François Fillon. For the member of parliament for the Vaucluse, the weakening of the candidate of the right is a godsend. “All the people of the right will open the eyes and get rid of the caricatures for us,” confided she to theFigaro, in welcoming to see, in the program of Marine Le Pen, the measures that could erase a reputation as a “mélenchoniste”.

“Now,” added the young parliamentary, many voters of the right must realize that our program contains a lot of things for VSES/SMES, the family, the transmission of the heritage… They can mobilize in favor of an application that meets the main aspirations of the right, that is on the plan, identity, migration, or economic. If the right really wants to counter the left, the alternative to Fillon, it is good Marine,” insisted she.

Despite the case of the parliamentary assistants, and surveys second-round always unfavourable, The political Show of France 2 was seen as an opportunity for the candidate of the national Front.

Without an electoral alliance, he still has to demonstrate the credibility of its economic project and its teams in order to govern. It must also convince several segments electoral resist him. Attentive to his first large delivery of campaign, number of supports frontistes did see a narrow path open for their candidate, between the “globalist” Emmanuel Macron, and the application “dented” by François Fillon.


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