Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Bygmalion: “calendars problematic” for Le Pen, Le Figaro

Marine Le Pen, asked to comment on the investigation Bygmalion and the referral to trial of Nicolas Sarkozy before entering a police station that she had visited in Juvisy-sur-Orge (Essonne), has today estimated that there were calendars “problematic.”

” Read also – Affaire Bygmalion : sent back to trial, Nicolas Sarkozy will appeal

“I don’t like much all these procedures involved a few weeks prior to elections. I consider, on principle, always a bit suspicious of wanting to influence the public debate,” she said. “It is true when it concerns us and it concerns us very often”, she started.

inquired about whether she was “in solidarity” with Nicolas Sarkozy, and Ms Le Pen responded: “No, I’m not saying that I am in solidarity. I say that if justice needs to happen, why these things occur-they’ll still be a few weeks before the

presidential election. Bygmalion is a case former which has been the subject of very long months of investigation.”

The examining magistrate Serge Tournaire has ordered the referral to trial of the fourteen protagonists of which Nicolas Sarkozy, for its excessive spending in the presidential campaign of 2012, a-t we learned Tuesday.

The other judge, Renaud van Ruymbeke, has not signed the order for reference. sources close to the matter have told AFP that he did by the analysis of his colleague on the involvement of the former head of State.


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