accounts, Facebook and Twitter of an egyptian man of 29 years which corresponds to the identity of the assailant of the Louvre confirms the explanations given by the prosecutor of Paris, François Molins Friday, 3 February. The assailant armed with two machetes attacked the military forces deployed in the Louvre,, one of which has been slightly touched, before being in turn seriously wounded by gunfire in response.
To Molins, the intervention of the patrol, the military has put an end to a “terrorist action” and leads to “the arrest of its author which he was very determined”. He recalled that the incident took place “two years to the day” after the attack the knife to the military operation Sentinel in Nice. The author is still in jail, he said.
For the case of Paris, an investigation was opened for “fragrance of assassination attempt on person agent of the public authority in relation to a terrorist enterprise” and “association of criminal terrorist for an attack on the person”. It has been entrusted to the judicial police section of anti-terrorism, and to the general Directorate of internal security (ISB).
The attack
To 9: 50 am, four soldiers are on patrol in the basement of the Carrousel du Louvre, in an area located upstream of the control bags,” explains the attorney. A individual with a backpack, a black t-shirt with a death’s head and a machete in each hand” is thrown on a military shouting “Allah Akbar”.
This first military to repulse the assailant. A second military falls to the ground, while the attacker kicks machete. Then, the military on earth takes a first time “in the right part of the abdomen”. As the assailant doesn’t stop attacking, the military “take off three times”. “A single Famas shot”, says François Molins.
According to him, the military “has fully adhered to the doctrine of the use of weapons”, with a first shot in the lower abdomen to “neutralize them without killing them.”
The assailant is “very seriously injured” and his prognosis is “very committed”.
A member was injured on the scalp and was prescribed 10 days of incapacity to work time.
The assailant alleged
The attackers were not wearing any identity papers on him. There were “two machetes military of 40 cm” and “a backpack containing spray cans of paint”. He left his jacket at the top of the steps leading to the Carousel du Louvre, in which a mobile phone was found.
“Its identity has not been formally established”, said François Molins. However, according to the data found in the phone and on the platform Visabio, this would be an Egyptian 29-year-old. The photo in Visa Bio matches that of the assailant. Unknown services in France, it was not included in the automated File of fingerprints.
Its name? Abdallah E-H, were entrusted to The Express, sources close to the investigation.
threats on Facebook and Twitter
The accounts Facebook and Twitter corresponding to this identity have been viewed by the RTL and 20 minutes before being made inaccessible.
The suspect appears there as a sales manager in a company of environmental consultancy based in the united arab Emirates. Followed by 154 people on Facebook, married since 2014 and football enthusiast, he would have two brothers. This account is now rendered inaccessible – comport of many posts in relation to religion.
On Twitter, the attacker presumed to be written in English, on the 26th of January, that he will “travel to Paris, France from Dubai international airport”, which corresponds to the chronology given by the public prosecutor of Paris, François Molins, Friday night.
Between 9h27 and 9h34, he published a dozen messages in Arabic. He said such act “in the name of Allah (…) to our brothers and sisters in Syria and the fighters of the world,” and refers to “the State of Islam (Dawlat al-Islam),” a formula usually used by the supporters of Daesh. “No negotiation, no compromise…no retreat, war relentless”, he wrote in his last message.
Contacted by 20 Minutes, one of his friends the egyptians on Facebook, said : “I can’t believe he could do such a thing, he is not violent. Some members of his family are police officers. Only a fool can do a thing like that, and he is not mad. This is not possible, he has had to steal his cell phone or his passport.”
His path
November 30, 2016, a resident of the united arab Emirates filed an application for the tourist visa at the embassy of France to Dubai. It was authorized on November 8, 2016, for a one-month stay, from January 20, 2017 February 20, 2017.
It happens on the 26th January 2017 at the airport Charles-de-Gaulle airport in Roissy, from Dubai. His return is scheduled for 5 February.
He moved into an apartment in the very chic 8th arrondissement of Paris, leased to 1,700 euros for a stay of one week.
On January 27, he rented a vehicle, which he has until 5 February. “This vehicle was found in the 8th arrondissement a few moments ago,” announced François Molins on Friday night.
The 28 January, he bought two machetes in an armory, Weapon Bastille”, in the district of the Bastille, in the 11th arrondissement, for 680 euros, paid in cash.
The search in the slot has allowed the investigators to trace 965 euros in cash, two cases of machetes and their bill in a sweater “corresponding to the one worn by the individual to the armory according to the cameras of video-surveillance”, an iPad, several prepaid cards, a phone battery, clothes for a week, a passport of the united arab Emirates with visa to saudi Arabia and Turkey, a license and a credit card of united arab Emirates.
The investigation must still determine the course and the motivations of the assailant, and whether the man acted alone or on instructions.
A. S.

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