"You sing ?" In the shuttle which drove the activists to the meeting of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Florange, on the 19th of January last, one expects to hear the chorus of the Song of the Partisans taken up by Zebda, one of the hymns of the radical left. It was without counting on humor geek Antoine Léaument, who intones the first words of'Hypocritical and The Problem is that of those who gorge themselves, the remix way NLP discourse of Mélenchon by the YouTubeur Khaled Freak.
YouTube, this is a topic that this young man of 27 years old with round glasses, a native of Chateauroux, knows well. For the past year, he has transformed the string rather mundane of the european parliament in the nerve centre of the political battle on YouTube. He now manages his accounts on Twitter and Facebook, since the end of 2013.
"We had 20 000 subscribers in August 2016, we are close now to the 200 000"
Until recently, he kept his anonymity and took to the pseudonym "Anthony Nicholas", for reasons related to his work. It was finally decided not to hide anymore. As well, the one that a lot of people have discovered as the author of the YouTube channel "The Good Sense", which has trollé blithely Florian Philippot by parodying his first video, is also the producer of the videos "JLM". How has it revolutionised the web communication of the candidate ?
On the subject, Antoine Léaument, who keeps a blog mainly focused on the criticism of the media since September 2012, is inexhaustible. While Jean-Luc Mélenchon is about to go on stage to Florange, he cites from memory the figures which show the exponential progression of subscribers to his channel :
"September 2016 : + 3500 subscribers ; October 2016, the month when we launched the "review of the week" : + 18 600 subscribers ; November : + 36 600 subscribers, December : + 63 600 subscribers".
"We had 20 000 subscribers in August, we are close now to the 200 000", sums up with a hint of satisfaction. The tribune of the left had not yet a priori nothing particularly "swag", he who puts his ideas and his program above all.
Antoine Léaument, bayrouiste in 2007 (if, if), which is committed to the Party of the left in 2011 to Poitiers before joining the France Insubordinate, "review of the week" is for much in the success of the "Jean-Luc" on the internet :
"It is an idea of him. He wanted to have a expression video regular on subjects of actuality not too much seen on tv, things that interest him or that he has made."
Previously, the
"We had noticed that the video content was very in tune with what people were expecting. His visit to It is not lying, where he lists his top 10 measures at the Elysee, has been seen 10 million times. It was a trial balloon, sort of."
"I pointed out that the forum 18-25 had launched a slogan on his chain"
Modest, Antoine Léaument does not extend his or her share of responsibility in the explosion of the hearings of the candidate of France Insubordinate on the net. It is, however, important. It is he who is brought back each week to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the information related to the life of his YouTube channel on the internet. Plumb the depths of the web is second nature with him :
"I have a use to compulsive internet. I spend my time on Facebook."
so It is by its intermediary that a dialogue was initiated between the former socialist senator and the users of the Forum 18-25 years of Jeuxvideo.com. First, they address a blink of an eye on Facebook by posting a video of the famous meme Risitas. Then he reports to Jean-Luc Mélenchon that internet users have coined the slogan webesque "can’t stenchon the mélenchon". And the person to bounce back-facing camera on the YouTube channel :
"They have invented a motto for me, I didn’t understand. Finally it was explained to me at the time. And it says 'can’t stenchon the Melenchon'. Well, I’m going to say 'yes, we canchon'."
The valve may be imperfect, but the complicity established.
intermediate between "Méluch" and each other
other times, it has made the connection between influencers of the web and champion of ecological planning. For example, when Khaled Freak and published his first remix of a discourse of Mélenchon (Hypocritical), it has left a compliment in the comments :
"Thank you for this excellent remix ! – MC Mélenchon
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