144 “commitments presidential”, presented in a document of 24 pages (PDF). The candidate of the Front national in the presidential election, Marine Le Pen unveiled, Saturday, February 4, a project which should lead, according to it, “putting France in order” in five years. A program turned to the “national priority” protectionism “smart”, and the defence of low-income, but which still lacks clarity on many points. A project that is also based on a forecast of economic growth in France is optimistic, with a jump of 1.3% to 2.0% from 2017 to 2018, to finish at 2.5% in 2022. A figure that the country no longer known for the past ten years.
you are a salaried employee, a businessman or a retiree, what should you expect if Marine Le Pen was elected in may ? Franceinfo is an overview of his main proposals, and their impact on your situation.
If you are an employee
Marine Le Pen president, your working time should not change. In its commitments “presidential”, the candidate promises not to touch the weekly legal work. The 35 hours would be thus maintained. In a negotiation for a passage to 37 hours paid 37, or 39 hours paid 39, will be only possible “at the level of the professional branches”. The president of the Front national also intends to repeal the law, Work, défiscaliser overtime, and “to maintain their markup,”.
If you earn less than 1,500 euros net per month, you can, in principle, benefit from a “premium”purchasing power” , funded through a “social contribution” of 3 percent on imports. the “This premium will account for close to 80 euros per month”, said Marine Le Pen in an interview with the World (edition subscribers).
If you’re retired (or will be soon)
The “premium”purchasing power” promised by Marine Le Pen for you if your pension does not exceed 1 500 euros monthly. If you benefit from the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), it will be re-evaluated to 20%, depending on the costing of the project. But only the French or foreigners residing in France for at least twenty years of age will now have the right to it. With these measures, Marine Le Pen is hoping to capture the vote of senior citizens, especially those who receive small pensions.
Other measures proposed by the candidate, after a series of delays to the FN on this issue, as pointed out in Liberation : lower the legal age of retirement to 60 years, compared to 62 years today. With this reform, it does take more than “40 years of contribution to obtain a pension at the full rate.
If you are an executive of a public company on the international
You are likely to be significantly impacted by the two pillars of the program of Marine Le Pen : a “protectionism intelligent and the restoration of a national currency adapted to our economy”. The output of the euro is not written as such in the project, but it is good news. The candidate said in an interview with Europe 1, that this measure would be effective “for the French people”, but that“it is possible to envisage a common currency that affects only the State or big business”. As noted by Le Figaro,
If you have recourse to posted workers, or want to recruit foreign employees, the things may get complicated for you. Marine Le Pen promises to put an end to the directive “posting of workers” in France, and intends to discourage companies to recruit foreigners. If she is elected, “any new contract of a foreign worker” will be “additional fee”, she told the World. And the amount is not trivial : it might be of the order of “10% of the gross monthly salary of the foreign employee”, said Florian Philippot, the microphone of RTL. Important precision, the vice-president of the national Front : this tax would concern also the european foreigners. Marine Le Pen intends to call into question the free movement of european workers in the territory.
If you’re running a SOHO or a small business
Marine Le Pen means you reserve a part of the public order, “if the price difference is reasonable,” with the foreign competition, and reduce your social charges — subject to “maintain employment” in your business. The president of the Front national, if elected, intends to also “reduce the administrative complexity and tax burdens on SMALL and medium sized businesses”, establishing a one-stop shop”dedicated” to these approaches. It also promises to replace the account painfulness by a simplified arrangement.
In tax matters, Marine Le Pen proposes to maintain the reduced 15% rate of corporate tax for very small enterprises (VSE-SMES. If you are a small business owner, you may qualify for a rate of corporation tax of 24%, compared to 33.3% today.
If you are without a job
outside its “national priority to the employment of the French people”, the project of Marine Le Pen does not include any proposal aimed directly at job seekers. The terms “unemployment”, “jobless” or “job seeker” are absent from its programme. Only precision of the candidate : the tax revenues on the recruitment of foreigners will be used in the unemployment compensation French.
If you pay taxes
The candidate of the national Front speaks, once again, to the middle and popular classes in its tax proposals. If she is elected, the tax on income could decline by 10% for the first three slices. Neither the VAT or the CSG will not increase, and the property tax could be revised downward for the households. On the other hand, if you pay the tax on wealth (ISF), it should be maintained.
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