the First decisions in the case of the alleged rape of Theo L, suites of the matter Fillon and blocking policy antimigratoire of Trump in the United States : looking back on the news that have marked these last few days.
The week has been marked by the first decisions taken following the alleged rape of Theo L. by a police officer in Aulnay-sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis, concerning the police officers in question but also of the people arrested for violence in Bobigny, france. The series of revelations on the couple Fillon, and their feedback has also helped to feed the news just as the one order anti-immigration of the u.s. president.
Aulnay-under-Wood : smooth and put in review
Three days after the arrest of a young of 22 years in the city of 3 000 in Aulnay-sous-Bois, four police officers have been indicted, Sunday, 5 February, by an investigating judge of the court of Bobigny for voluntary violence with the aggravating circumstance that they are agents of the public authority and that they acted with a weapon and in a meeting. One of the officers was also indicted for rape ; he is suspected of having carried batons telescopic to the young man, causing a serious injury.
The trial of the seventeen people arrested for violence following the incidents that occurred after the alleged rape was held, Wednesday, in Bobigny, france. Two youth were sentenced to six months in prison.
Affaire Fillon : shadows still remain
Two weeks after the start of the revelations about jobs alleged dummy of his wife and his children, François Fillon has delivered, on Monday, in an exercise of transparency, publishing on its website the summary of the wages received by his wife, Penelope. By ensuring that, henceforth, ” all [was] on the table, “, he hoped to be able to twist the blow to all the charges. But grey areas and unresolved questions remain.
Read also : The nine holes of the defense of François Fillon
Thursday, the lawyers of the spouses Fillon asked the parquet national financier (PNF) to divest of the investigation. For them, ” the offence of misappropriation of public funds can only be attributed to Mr Fillon “, and the PNF did not have jurisdiction to investigate.
Decryption : Affaire Fillon : what is the parquet national financier ?
New snub for Donald Trump
The court of appeal in San Francisco (California) decided Thursday to maintain the suspension of the controversial decree of migration of Donald Trump, which banned temporarily the access of the United States to citizens of seven muslim countries and stop the american program of reception of refugees. This is a new snub to the u.s. president.
The judges were of the opinion that to continue to suspend the decree would not lead to serious damage to the national security and that the administration does ” not actually proof that a foreign national of one of the countries involved has committed a terrorist attack in the United States “ in the past.
The judiciary has not pronounced on the merits of the case, the legal battle is far from over. The case could be appealed to the supreme Court.
Read also : Washington State vs. Donald Trump
And also…
- Assistance to migrants. The farmer accused of having supported the migrants in the valley of the franco-Italian of the Roya, Cedric Herrou, was sentenced Friday to 3 000 euros fine suspended.
- Terrorism. The offense of consultation of the sites the terrorists was censured Friday by the constitutional Council. The advisers of the rue de Montpensier have found that the text was limiting freedom of expression disproportionately.
- Bygmalion. Nicolas Sarkozy has been returned to a correctional with thirteen other people in the business from her campaign accounts of 2012, the so-called case Bygmalion. According to the order in which The World has noted, the former president of the Republic ” has undoubtedly benefited from the frauds disclosed by the investigation. “.
Colonies. israeli knesset members have approved, Monday, a law paving the way for the legalization of outposts built on private palestinian land. This vote has been strongly criticized by the palestinian Authority. According to many commentators, it is likely that the text will be blocked by the israeli High Court of justice, already fiercely criticised by the settlers to have ordered the destruction of the outpost of Amona, the 1st February.
Syria. about 13 000 prisoners had been killed in a prison in syria in five years, said Amnesty International in a report published on Tuesday and which denounces a true ” policy of extermination “ on the part of the syrian regime.
- Brexit. british mps gave the green light Wednesday to the first minister Theresa May. The House of commons has approved by 494 votes to 122 of the bill the conservative government for allowing the triggering of Brexit, a key step towards the exit of the Uk from the european Union. The text must now be reviewed by the House of lords.
Bank. The device on the mobility bank came into force on Monday. It should simplify the lives of consumers and could convince them to make the competition between the institutions.
Athletics. After the olympic Games of Rio in 2016, Russia, banned for doping institutionalized since November of 2015, will also be private of the the World athletics championships in London in August 2017, has decided, on Monday, the international athletics Federation.
Music. The singer Alma will represent France at the Eurovision contest.
the final of The contest will take place on may 13 in Ukraine.
Tzvetan Todorov, theorist and French literature, and historian of ideas, died Tuesday at the age of 77 years.

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