Thursday, February 2, 2017

Boosted by ” the Penelopegate “, “Le Canard enchaîné” improve its image – The World

revelations about the wife of the candidate LR for the presidential election have allowed the weekly satirical of sales that are among the most important since its hundred years of existence.

The 1st February, Le Canard enchaîné, was published for the second consecutive week of revelations on the employment dummy alleged the wife of the ex-prime minister François Fillon, as well as the remuneration of his children as parliamentary assistants. The day before, the satirical weekly has seen the home page of its website to become inaccessible, saturated by internet users eager to discover the new ” a “of the second episode of the” Penelopegate “.

The D-day, the sales took off, the newspaper is ripped all over France, and from mid-day to Paris, the variety of booths in the capital were in total rupture of stock. With 391 000 copies delivered and sold – almost 100,000 more than its average sales booth in 2015 (300 000 copies) – plus 74 000 delivered to subscribers, and sales for DOM-TOM, Corsica, overseas and the airlines, with the Duck has sold over 500 000 copies. A score that is among the biggest sales of the newspaper since its hundred years of existence.

Read also : The five business Fillon for those who haven’t followed anything

If it is far from historic highs – more than a million sold in may 1981 to the case of Maurice Papon, a former minister of Valery Giscard d’estaing involved in the deportation of jews, 800, 000 to 900 000 copies in scoops of 1979 on the diamond to Bokassa, and the sheet of tax of Marcel Dassault, then first fortune of France –, the volatile is not sulks not its pleasure.

” It is difficult to make comparisons, this was not the same political climate and the Internet did not exist. A success could last four or five numbers. Now, a number loses sales, and after it is finished, because the Internet we food a part of our sales, “, as the sites contain information, commented Nicolas Brimo, managing director of Duck, ” But with the internet it is gaining notoriety, especially for a journal that does not advertise. “

” a Hundred years that they laugh “

” a Hundred years that they laugh… “, as stated to the reporter of the World Philippe Ridet in his investigation on the occasion of the centenary of the satirical weekly, celebrated on July 5, 2016. But ” if he took out the case of the hairdresser, François Hollande, paid 9 895 euros gross per month, the Duck has left the site online information Mediapart out the millions of Jérôme Cahuzac in position to Singapore.” ” This had to be a “hair, laments the director of the publication Michel Gaillard. Since, is opposed ” the old institution, who would be asleep on its laurels faded “ at the site of Edwy Plenel, ” young media bite, and modern “, told the Magazine in the World in its


also Read : The best recipes from the ” Duck chained “

With these revelations burst which weaken François Fillon, dropped by a party of his troops at eighty days of the presidential election, the satirical newspaper find its gloss of “ladies’ man ” of the Republic. The Italian newspaper Libero does not hide his admiration : ” It has struck again. Le Canard enchaîné, the'satirical weekly in paris which, for a hundred years, is trying to spoil the party of the powerful of France, will not fail to its reputation. And with François Fillon, the last target date of its investigations explosive, he continues to lengthen the list of politicians struck down at the peak of their career. “

” Duck is a unique case in the history of satire, a jewel of investigative journalism, which has inspired various attempts somewhat successful imitation. Because the Duck is simply inimitable. Its journalists are the best informed and the most undisciplined of Paris, and their address book is envy all the offices of the capital. “

Just like its good financial health , with its 24 million euros of annual turnover of two million euros of after-tax profits in 2016, its treasure of 100 million euros – which allows it to enjoy total independence : it does not belong to any media group and does not contain any advertising. Despite the digital revolution, the indomitable title does not diffuse its content on paper.

Since one hundred years, the spirit has remained the same, a summary of a formula in a paper of its director and founder, Maurice Maréchal : ” My first movement, when I see something outrageous, it is indignant ; the second part of my motion, it is to laugh ; this is more difficult but more effective. “

The parquet national financier has opened a preliminary investigation for embezzlement of public funds, misuse of corporate assets and concealment of these crimes following the revelations of the Duck chained on jobs alleged fictitious Penelope Fillon as the assistant parliamentarian of her husband and then alternate.

Marc Joulaud, ex-deputy François Fillon at the national Assembly, was heard Wednesday. A search could also intervene in the Senate in the coming days, and auditions will continue. The public prosecutor had asked the investigators to expand their investigations to the activities of Mary and Charles Fillon, both of which have been paid by their father to the Senate, as François Fillon has himself revealed on TF1, a-t-on learned Thursday from sources close to the matter.


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