The weekly unveils other remuneration by Penelope Fillon, and says that the senator Fillon has paid € 84,000 to his children.
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For the second week in a row, the candidate of the right in the presidential election, François Fillon, is caught in the trap of a burst of revelations of the Duck chained. According to the weekly, the salaries suspects perceived by Penelope Fillon, and two of the children of the couple would reach a million euros. These assertions, if they are confirmed, are offset inconvenient with the public statements of the ex-prime minister.
also Read : Fillon can he maintain his candidacy ?
according To Le Canard enchaîné, this is not only from 1997 that Penelope Fillon would have started to work as assistant parliamentarian of her husband, but as early as 1988. During his first public debate, January 26, on TF1, Mr. Fillon had notably failed to indicate that his wife had in fact worked at his side from 1988 to 1990. The satirical weekly has also identified another period passed over in silence, where Mme Fillon would have been an employee of her husband : sixteen months between 2012 and 2013.
Of the hires who did nothing illegal, provided to correspond to a real job. However, since the beginning, Le Canard enchaîné says that Mme Fillon has never truly been in the position. A search was conducted in the national Assembly, Tuesday, January 31. According to Le Parisien, the investigations carried out since the opening of a preliminary investigation for embezzlement of public funds, receiving stolen property, and abuse of social good, public prosecutor’s office at national financial, the 25th of January would have allowed to establish that no badge access to the Meeting and no e-mail, parliamentary Penelope Fillon have existed.
10 000 euro-a-month
according To Le Canard enchaîné, these hires Mme Fillon as an assistant would be all the more annoying that she was very comfortably paid. Especially when it has been used by the substitute of Mr. Fillon, the current
The candidate, at the Elysee would have also lied about the status of his children, hired in turn as “assistant” between 2005 and 2007 on the fund of parliamentary when Mr Fillon was a senator. Unlike what he had shown on TF1, they were not yet lawyers, at this time, but students. Marie Fillon, 23 years old at the time, has received 57 084 euros gross in fifteen months. His brother Charles takes over and hits 26 651 euros gross in six months. The reality of their work will be like the rest the object of the investigations of the central Office for the fight against corruption and violations of financial, seized of the investigation.
Still the bank accounts held by French prime minister François Fillon. During the meeting, which was expected to launch his campaign, the 29 January, at La Villette, the candidate of the right, had defended his integrity, saying he had with his wife ” only one account at Crédit agricole from Sablé-sur-Sarthe “. according To the satirical weekly, this is not one but ” fifteen “ of accounts that hold the torque Fillon.
Contacted by The World on Tuesday night, the lawyer of Mr. Fillon, Me Antonin Lévy, did not want to react to all of this information that ” do not relate to the investigation. “. A little earlier, he had indicated to the Paris, about the lack of badge Mme Fillon at the Meeting, that ” many of the parliamentary assistants from province do not have a badge. As to the e-mail, [Mme Fillon] was not simply because the vast majority of employees do not have “.
The Revue des deux mondes, which has been used Mme Fillon, as well as the Foundation culture and diversity, where a member of the campaign team of Mr. Fillon has been working part-time for a year between 2015 and 2016, have reacted strongly to the accusations of ‘ghost’ employees, which they are also the target. The two structures, the properties of the businessman Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, a friend of long date of the candidate to the Elysee, said that they were able to bring all the necessary supporting documents.
Read : Marine Le Pen refuses to refund € 300 000 claimed by the european Parliament

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