presidential candidate has launched his campaign this Saturday, at Lyon in front of at least 8,000 people.
our special correspondent in Lyon
They swear all that they could not foresee. And it is no doubt true. For the second great national meeting of Emmanuel Macron, the volunteers of his political movement, wear a new T-shirt. On the back, it’s still the same logo, that of Running! Before, however, a flock comes to its appearance: “Emmanuel Macron president.” It was planned, it was necessary to install the idea. What was less clear however, is that it is already. It is in any case in the new costume of favourite in the presidential election that Emmanuel Macron presented Saturday at Lyon in front of the activists. Eight thousand in the palace of sports, together with eight thousand other people outside, according to him, and for which a giant screen had been installed so that they can follow the meeting. A new demonstration of strength leader In the market! while Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon meet them as their troops this weekend in Lyon.
LIVE – wire policy of the weekend
according to the latest polls, Emmanuel Macron is now in a position to qualify for the second round of the presidential election, to fight Marine Le Pen and, therefore, to be elected president of the Republic in may 2017. “For the moment, it is mostly in a position to qualify for the second round”, minimizes one of his close friends, without wanting to evoke the Elysée. Because inevitably, the prospect of victory gives a coloring new about the comments of the leader of march! In Lyon, it had come on Saturday to deliver a great speech, the kind that you transmutent a candidate declared president potential. A speech of the embodiment of the Nation, both intimate and bombastic, hopeful but also aware of the difficulties. Nicolas Sarkozy was reached in January 2007 at the porte de Versailles. François Hollande also in January 2012 at le Bourget. Emmanuel Macron a little less on Saturday at the Palais des sports of Lyon.
He had set a number goal. To go back on his “positioning is not right, not left”, which had been much criticised, to define its political identity. Give the meaning of his campaign. Explain that the fight was not between several political forces, but only between two: progressives and conservatives. Him and the right amount, the latter should it prove to be extreme. “We are living a singular moment in our history, where the fate hesitates, where what seemed certain is no longer so,” begins Emmanuel Macron. It is at the centre of the sports hall, as the heart of the
throughout his speech, Emmanuel Macron strives to keep this between the two. Not quite right, not quite to the left, not really in the centre not more. “I’m not saying that the right and the left that no longer exists. But in the historical moments, these fault lines are-they never can be?” he asks, and before you strike some sort of argument club: “To move the discourse on Europe of François Mitterrand a few weeks before his death, should it be left? To experience pride, in the speech of Jacques Chirac at the Vel d’hiv, was it to be right? No! It had to be French”. This is the political position that research Emmanuel Macron: the above parties. Moreover, he explains that the leitmotif of his campaign will be structured around the three values of the Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity. He dwells at length on each to explain its approach. At the top of the party, therefore, which does not prevent it from reaching the hand.
in Turn, it is addressed to the Radicals, the centrists and Gaullists to try to convince them to join his cause. He also quotes from major political figures, consensus-based, such as Simone Veil and Philippe Séguin, the mentor of François Fillon. But he called the crowd to stop whistling when he talks about the setbacks of the candidate of the Republicans. He finally takes to the FN and to the dynasty of The Pen, who “do not speak in the name of the people, they speak in the name of their heartburn. They do not speak for the people, they speak for themselves, from father to daughter, daughter, niece”. Emmanuel Macron has identified his main opponent in this campaign: Marine Le Pen. “We still have 78 days to win,” he concluded in front of the activists who yell “Macron president!” or “We will win!” It is also the time that it remains to him to present his program, which for the moment, always raise so many questions.

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