Cedric Herrou, a farmer of the valley of the franco-Italian of the Roya, which was considered to have helped the migrants in the valley of the franco-Italian of the Roya, was sentenced on Friday to Nice to 3.000 euros fine suspended.
He was sentenced for having taken care of the migrants on Italian soil, but he was acquitted of the other facts of which he was accused, including the installation of migrants in a holiday centre retired SNCF and help for the stay and movement of migrants in an illegal situation.
background :
The public prosecutor, who reproached him for a militant strategy and a misuse of the law in December 2012, granting immunity from prosecution to those who provide humanitarian and generous to the migrants, has required eight-month suspended prison sentence.
first improvised and conducted in the emergency, the assistance to migrants who pass through its valley, has become the workhorse of this Nice 37-year-old, which was converted in organic farming to Breil-sur-Roya and who has claimed before the court “a political action”.
accepting the risk of prison, he has multiplied these last days the attack against the prefecture and the Alpes-Maritimes département, a stronghold of the Republicans, putting into question the continued illegal unaccompanied minors to Italy, supported by the general Council, and denounced “a political trial” against her.
“We are going to place on the legal terrain, and it will hurt. It is in our right and our duty“, he declared to the daily Nice-Matin.
the announcement of The deliberation, which is expected from 08: 30 am, will be the occasion of a rally on the steps of the palais de justice, Nice, and a day of action, supported by numerous associations (Doctors of the World, League of human rights, Cimade, Union of the judiciary, Amnesty International, etc),
“We are going to place on the legal terrain, and it will hurt. It is in our right and our duty“, said Christophe Herrou.
Already worried by the justice
In August 2016, Cedric Herrou had already been worried by the justice system for the transportation of eight Eritreans. “It was limited of course, but it was dismissed on the ground of immunity humanitarian“, recalled this week the prosecutor Jean-Michel Priest.
“When he began to assert clearly the things and invested the premises of the SNCF at Saint-Dalmas-de-Tende (October 17, editor’s note), the it was well understood that this was not an action of help to the persons identified on dramatic situations, and it was considered that there was a misuse of the text that is not made to welcome in France all those who landed on the coasts of italy,” said Mr Priest.
Around 180,000 migrants have arrived on italy’s shores in 2016, a record year. A part of them, mostly sudanese, eritreans and afghans, rises to Ventimiglia to move in France. Amnesty International France denounced on Wednesday the reference quasi-systematic to Italy of these migrants arrived in the south-east of France, without a review of their situation, contrary to what is foreseen by the law.

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