there are now “more doubts” : his police custody has been lifted due to the aggravation of his injuries, but the man who was attacked Friday, February 3, members of the military at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris has been “formally identified” this Wednesday as Abdullah El-Hamahmy, an Egyptian 29-year-old. “When his state of health will be declared compatible by the medical profession, it will be seen by the judge” in view of an indictment and a possible trial detention by another magistrate, said on Tuesday, a justice source in the AFP.
in the Face of the investigators, Abdallah El-Hamahmy explained have not wanted to take it out on the military. Wanting to advocate a peaceful protest against the bombing in Syria, he wanted to carry out an action strongly symbolic against France, in the degrading works of the museum with the bombs to painting found in his backpack. A version totally contradictory with its arrival on the scene Friday morning, a machete in each hand, sinking towards the military patrol, shouting, “Allah Akbar”. A military operation Sentry had been wounded slightly on his scalp.
Machetes and painting : the testimony of little probative of the perpetrator of the Louvre
The investigation continues on the past and motivations of this young man apparently without stories, father of a boy, a graduate in law and commercial framework in a business in the united arab Emirates, and endeavours to retrace the ten days of his mysterious “holiday” in Paris.
Car, machetes, and money orders cash
The act seems to have been premeditated months in advance. Abdullah El-Hamahmy between legally as a tourist in France on the 26th of January from Dubai, after having obtained his visa in early November. He lived in a rental close to the Champs-Elysees, in a luxury room up to 1700 euros per week rue de Ponthieu (8th arrondissement), at 3 km from the Louvre museum. His return to Dubai is booked for Sunday 5th February. According to a source close to the investigation, the apartment had been booked online from the month of June 2016, well before the tourist visa.
On Friday, January 27, he rented in an agency close to 120 euros, a Renault Megane, it will not practically : the same day, he makes a journey in a borough bordering, tells of the “Figaro” on Wednesday, passing by a parking space a few minutes before you park near the apartment where the car was found on the evening of the attack. Would he have had the project to use as a weapon by destination, in the manner of the attacks in Nice and Berlin ? Pretty unlikely given the size of the vehicle chosen, is an investigator interviewed by the newspaper.
on The 28th of January, around 17: 30, he bought two
On 31 January and 1 February, he pays twice, through mandates, Western Union, the sum of 5.000 euros to a compatriot based in Poland, according to information from the “Figaro”. The latter has been identified and must be subject to audit via a mission of international police cooperation, says the newspaper.
“Brothers in Syria”
These items make you think of possible allies, even if investigators remain cautious. According to the information of BFMTV, a egyptian friend, based in the united arab Emirates, was aware of the project by Abdallah El-Hamahmy, that he would have entrusted his credit card, the keys to his apartment and would be responsible to sell all his property.
If no contact in France would for the time being been detected, the man was in any case not the means. Close to 1,000 euros in cash was discovered in a search of his apartment lease, and a credit card from the emirates and several bank cards, prepaid, reported the “JDD” Sunday.
In the hours before the attack, on Friday, 3 February, Egyptian multiplies the messages of a religious nature on his Twitter account (now disabled), where it refers to “the brothers in Syria”. His last tweet : “No negotiation, no compromise, no ointment to pass, and certainly no way back. There is no peace in war.” A quote taken from a speech at the end of 2012 by the former spokesman and leader of external operations of Daech, Abu Mohammed Al-Adnani, whose death was announced last summer.
No claim has been made at this point for this attack, and no allegiance to a group jihadist was found during the search. The parquet de Paris has, however, opened a judicial investigation for attempted murder in relation with a terrorist enterprise and conspiracy to a terrorist criminal.
T. V.

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