Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What we know of the alleged perpetrator of the attack on the Louvre – Franceinfo

His condition is improving, but not enough yet to allow for the review process. After several days of silence, the alleged perpetrator of the attack at the “Carousel” of the she-Wolf has even started to answer the questions of the investigators, on Monday 6 February. This young 29-year old man was taken to several military personnel on patrol, on Friday, before being badly wounded in the stomach by gunfire in response. Franceinfo back on what we know of the suspect.

Who is he ?

The man, badly wounded, came out of his silence Monday at the hospital Georges-Pompidou in Paris, where he is being treated. Before his health deteriorates Tuesday, it was accredited by the hypothesis of the investigators as to his identity, by presenting themselves as Abdullah El-Hamahmy, an Egyptian, a 29-year-olds living in the United Arab Emirates.

It was legally entered France on the 26th of January as a tourist from Dubai, before staying in a weekly rental close to the Champs-Elysées. According to a source close to the investigation quoted by AFP, the apartment at the rate of 1 700 euros had been booked online from the month of June, well before the tourist visa lodged end of October, under the name of Hamahmy and with the fingerprints of the suspect.

What were his motives ?

The suspect explained that they wanted to “to take works of art and non-military personnel”,according to a source close to the file attachment by franceinfo, confirming information of LCI. It was, according to him, action is highly symbolic that against France to denounce the situation in Syria is in degrading works of the museum with the bombs to

painting found in his backpack.

The 29-year old man denies that he wanted to commit a terrorist act. A version that is in contradiction with the facts : on Friday, he lashed out with a machete in each hand on the military shouting “Allah Akbar”.

the alleged perpetrator of The attack at the Carrousel du Louvre has also shown to be a sympathizer of the group islamic State, while defending himself of being an official member of the terrorist organization.

did he have accomplices ?

The survey further revealed that the suspect had sent two mandates in cash of more than eur 5 000 to a man in Poland. The latter, a priori, of egyptian nationality, and who had just arrived in Poland, has been heard by the police. It ensures that the suspect is a friend of his and that the money was used for his father, ill. At this stage, there is no evidence that there is complicity.

another friend of the suspect, an Egyptian living in the united arab Emirates, has told thatAbdullah El-Hamahmy had been in contact with him to indicate that he could sell all his belongings, because he would not be returning home. This man, however, has denied being aware of any terrorist action against France.

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