Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Brexit : mp give their green light to Theresa May – The World

The House of commons has approved the text by 494 votes to 122. The project must now be reviewed by the House of lords.

british mps adopted in the evening of Wednesday, February 8, the bill of the conservative government, Theresa May authorising the triggering of Brexit, a key step towards the exit of the Uk from the european Union.

members of the House of commons have approved the text by 494 votes to 122. This bill, submitted to Parliament after the government was forced by the supreme Court in January, must now be considered by the House of lords, which is expected to adopt.

the final adoption of The text should not occur before several weeks, but Theresa May has repeated that it would trigger before the march 31 article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which will launch two years of negotiations towards the exit from the EU.

To quell any rebellion in the ranks of the conservative majority, the first minister promised Tuesday that the Parliament would decide on the terms of a Brexit before the final outcome of the negotiations between London and Brussels, without, however, that this would impair the output of the european family. the ” We will be introducing a motion. This motion will be in the final agreement “, she said on Wednesday in Parliament. And this ” before the european Parliament to discuss and validate the final agreement “.

” This will be an important vote “, stated the State secretary of the Brexit, David Jones. the ” It will leave the choice between getting out of the european Union with or without a negotiated agreement “ with Brussels. But the liberal-democratic party (centre) Tom Brake has refused to see a concession on the part of the government.

amendments rejected

Monday, in this same concern to avoid any rebellion among the elected

conservatives before the vote on Wednesday, Mme May has warned mps tempted to vote some amendments aimed at reducing the margin of manoeuvre of the government.

” This is not the time to obstruct the will of the british people “, she said in front of the House of commons, where some elected officials are concerned about the output of the United Kingdom of the single european market announced by Mme May. Message received since Tuesday evening, the House rejected an amendment by labour, who wanted to see grant Parliament a right of veto on the future agreement between London and Brussels.

The mps also rejected Wednesday an amendment of the liberal democratic party calling for a referendum on the agreement leaving the EU.

If more than two-thirds of the mps are opposed to the Brexit during the campaign of the referendum of June 23, 2016, the majority of them believe now difficult to oppose the will of the voters, who voted 52 % for an exit from the EU.

The scottish Parliament, dominated by the pro-independence scottish national Party (Scottish National Party, SNP), has voted symbolically, Tuesday, by an overwhelming majority against the bill from the british government authorising the first minister, Theresa May, to launch the process of Brexit.

The vote, which was acquired by 90 votes against the project and 34, has no weight in London. The supreme Court ruled in January : only the Parliament at Westminster had to be consulted on the Brexit, objecting to a consultation of regional parliaments

Read also : The scottish Parliament voted against the launch of the ” Brexit “


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