Police and protesters against the labor law, in Paris, April 28, 2016 – ALAIN JOCARD / AFP

They do not have the right of strike. But this is the second time in recent months that police unions call for demonstrations on Wednesday. After six weeks of clashes between security forces and anti-El Khomri demonstrators and rioters, the majority of police union representatives decided to give appointment Place de la République in Paris and throughout France
 to say stop “to the anti-hate cops.”

At the beginning of this call, distribution of posters of InfoCom-CGT, there a few weeks with a CRS baton lying in a pool of blood. Other then followed. “We’re fed up being asked to pass for thugs. Some confederations engage in hate, all that is not responsible, “commented Fabien Vanhemelryck, the Alliance union, which launched the call of May 18 The national secretary of the majority union also said that 300 police officers were injured during the clashes. “There has been a sudden increase in violence, says Fabien Vanhemelryck. It must stop. “

 The poster of the CGT against the violence  polici & # XE8; res output April 16, 2016 on  the infocomcgt.fr site.
Poster of the CGT against police violence exit 16 April 2016 on the infocomcgt.fr site. – CGT

Lockers problematics

If the unions agree to call the police to meet on Wednesday, they do not all share the same word to order. For the CGT-Police, it is more inviting everyone to come and talk to the police: “There is no more today than anti-hate cops,” said the statement from the union, “inviting everyone to come meet his officers, talk with them.” “It’s against-productive to talk about anti-hate cops, says Alexandre Langlois, national secretary of the union. This is as silly as posters of InfoCom-CGT. “The union has come also invited #NuitDebout participate in exchanges Republic Square

& gt;. & Gt; Read also: “The police found lax justice and judges are wary of police”

The watchwords are different, but the finding on the facts remain the same for all: instructions from the outsourcer would make the work more complicated officials during demonstrations. “Our hierarchy to political orders (…) let the thugs attack our colleagues with impunity, while not providing security for the population,” denounces the CGT-Police. Alliance also questioned: “We received the order to challenge when the rioters have infiltrated the parades and it becomes dangerous for both the real protesters and police. Who benefits from this situation? Is it an attempt to discredit the movement against El Khomri law? “Fabien Vanhemelryck request.

” The police are tired “

Laurent Mucchielli, researcher at CNRS and the police specialist, is also an issue. “There is a lack of light on police strategies clashes with rioters. These individuals are well known information, but lack of preventive strategies, “he analyzes. For the researcher, the police are now caught in the crossfire, “Officials are tired, they can not take their leave because of vigipirate plan and they are on the front line between the political instrumentalization and tensions social. “

& gt; & gt; Read also: The police attitude she exacerbated tensions in Paris on May 1

“We are in a short-term policy, adds Alexandre Langlois CGT -Police. Ad it has effects that are not followed in practice. Today you have the peacekeepers we put directly on the ground without having made them follow their three-month internship regulations. Some courses are not insured in police schools for lack of trainers, but police are still affected in services. “For Alliance, clashes between police and rioters recent weeks are” the straw that broke the camel. ” “Violence is every day in the streets, says Fabien Vanhemelryck. But today, people are no longer afraid because there is a form of impunity. “

If you know the number of casualties among the security forces since the protests began, the number of people injured by police during the clashes is difficult to estimate it. “Violence is on both sides,” Judge Lawrence Mucchielli. Further demonstrations are planned Thursday
