LIVE Follow live on “20 Minutes” the military parade of 14 July and intervention of President Francois Hollande …
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- The military parade of 14 July will take place on the Champs-Elysees, before the traditional interview of the President of the Republic, to 13 hours.
- Nearly 11,500 police and gendarmes were mobilized to secure the festivities in Paris “on background of high terrorist threat,” said Wednesday the prefecture of Paris.
- In the interview, the last before the 2017 presidential election, François Hollande should pay tribute to the police officers, gendarmes and military, a few months after the Paris attacks.
- The military parade in figures: Parade aircraft 55 aircraft; Parade of troops on foot 3,239 men and women 36 dogs. Parade of troops mounted 236 horsepower. Parade of motorized troops 212 vehicles including 62 motorcycles. Parade helicopters 30 aircraft.
& gt; & gt; Read also: VIDEO. 14 July: Behind the scenes of air parade preparations on the Champs-Elysées
Paris: The celebrations of 14-July high security in
11:01: Police Dog troops to honor
the canine 132nd Battalion of the army (132nd CTAB) is the third unit in the spotlight. Specializing in search of weapons, explosives or narcotics, the CTAB 132e is engaged with his dogs as part of the Sentinel domestic operation. For the record, the rehearsals have not been easy, because the troops had to teach dogs to walk in rhythm.
10:57: parade of troops on foot began, including, the New Zealand Maori in traditional dress
10:51: Some figures of flypast:
Altitude aircraft: Approximately 1000 feet or 305 meters
aircraft speeds are different following devices:
fighter aircraft: 300 knots, or about 556 km / h
navy fighter aircraft: 280 knots, or about 519 km / h
maritime patrol aircraft: 200 knots, about 370 km / h
transport aircraft: 180 knots, or about 333 km / h
aircraft civil security: 150 knots, or about 278 km / h
distances between devices:
Pulled aircraft show: about 52 km
between the two blocks of aircraft: about 6.2 km
Between aircraft: from 5 meters to 10 meters
Defense – Place de la Concorde: about 7 km
10:46: Point weather on Champs: Although gray but … it is not raining (yet)
10h45: the plan of flypast
10:44: La Patrouille de France fly over the Champs Elysees
Since each 14 July, flying over the Champs Elysées by the Patrouille de France marks the opening of the air show. This year, a training Alphajets 8 of the Patrouille de France represents the Eiffel Tower, symbol of the candidature of France in the Olympic Games of 2024.
10:35: First show for the prison administration, a return to the Customs after almost 100 years
Customs, who participated once in 1919 in the parade, and the prison administration, for which it will be a first, will also go down the Champs
& gt; & gt; Read also: For prison guards, a “symbolic recognition that should not be ephemeral”
10:30 am: Parade quadrille bayonets of the Republican guard
a video of the rehearsals of this quadrille
10:24: Holland honors and salutes the troops
He then joined instead rostrum of Concord
10:15 François Hollande goes Champs, along with the Republican Guard on horseback
the head of state is in the car with Chief of Staff of the army, General Pierre de Villiers (… brother of Philippe de Villiers policy)
10:11: Australian soldiers and New Zealand present on the Champs
troops from Australia and New Zealand were invited to parade this year, the centenary of the battle of the Somme
& gt;. & gt; Read also: VIDEO. “Anzac Day”: Graffiti of the First World War found in the Somme
Maori traditional warriors of New Zealand are also present.
10:06: US Secretary of State John Kerry on the Champs-Elysées
European tour to discuss the war in Syria and other conflict zones, the US Secretary of State John Kerry is on the Champs Elysees on Thursday morning. The minister, speaking, is especially known for his Francophile
9:57. Members of the government came up the Concorde
Prime Minister Manuel Valls and ministers Emmanuel Macron (Economy) and Jean-Yves Le Drian (Defence) include arrived …
9:40: the military parade under the sign of the commitment and youth
As announced President of the Republic, the 2016 military parade is under the sign of engagement and youth, with 20 years of professionalization of the French armies. Of ollégiens, school children, voluntary civic service and youth voluntary military service will close the parade.
9:30: the Google search page in France starts in the national colors
as with every big event or anniversary, the Google search page changing. For the festivities of 14 July, the French page be donning the colors of the flag.
9:20: decorated July 14
actors Marion Cotillard and Pierre Richard, the Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, former trade unionist Nicole Notat or photographers Raymond Depardon and Sebastiao Salgado are part of the promotion of July 14 of the Legion of Honour. According to a survey of the Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honour, 28.6% of graduates come from business, 26% of the public service, 13.1% of health fields, social and humanitarian; 12.6% of teaching and research, 7.7% of culture and communication; 6% of those elected and the like; 6% of worship, sports and people working for veterans; . And six companions of the Liberation
9:10: A delegation of the customary authorities of Wallis and Futuna Islands attended the parade
Paris to discuss the Elysee on the changing status of the Wallis and Futuna islands, a delegation of traditional authorities of these islands attended the parade on the Champs Elysees. French regions farthest from the Metropolis, Wallis and Futuna is a community overseas customary divided into three kingdoms, one on Wallis and two on Futuna, whose leaders exercise, with the Catholic church, a major influence.
9:00: 11,500 police and gendarmes mobilized in Paris
Nearly 11,500 police officers and gendarmes were mobilized to secure the festivities in Paris “on background of high terrorist threat,” said Wednesday AFP the Paris police headquarters. For the only parade Thursday morning, “over 3,000 members of the security forces will be engaged” in Paris and pre-screening points will be set up to control access to controlled areas. Later in the evening, it will be nearly 2,500 police and gendarmes will be mobilized for the concert followed by fireworks at the Champ de Mars.
9:00: COMPUTER GRAPHICS. Aircraft and present their passage times above the Champs Elysees
9:00: the schedule of the morning, minute by minute
- 9:20: end of the installation of troops on foot and motorized Site Star / Champs Elysees
- 9:30. inspection of the troops by the general officer commanding parades on foot and motorized
- 9:45:. establishment of detachments of honor of the Republican Guard, Place de l’Etoile and Place de la Concorde
- 10:10:. arrival of the President of the Republic avenue Friedland. Home by Army Gen. Pierre de Villiers, Chief of Staff of the armed and General Bruno Le Ray corps, military governor of Paris. Review of the troops
- 10:25:. Honors the President of the Republic, Place de la Concorde by the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Republican Guard
- 10h30:. Opening Animation .
- 10:46: flypast opening commanded by air Vice Jean-Christophe Zimmermman
- 10:55. procession of foot soldiers commanded by Brigadier General Peter Grego, Deputy General commitments to the military governor of Paris
- 11:34. procession of mounted troops
- 11:36: parade of motorized troops commanded by General Philippe Lesimple, commander of the 1st Division.
- 11:50: early flypast helicopters commanded by air Vice Jean-Christophe Zimmermman
- 11:52. closing Animation
- 12:00:. start the president of the Champs Elysees
- . 13h00: Interview with François Hollande since the Elysee
the theme of the parade 2016 La Marseillaise. The final table on the Champs Elysees will be dedicated to him.
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