Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nice attack: on “radical Islam”, Valls and Cazeneuve not say the same thing – L’Obs

The profile of the author of the attack is still uncertain Nice two days after the tragedy which has 84 deaths and over 200 wounded. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a Tunisian citizen 31 years old living in the northern districts of the city.

Truck Driver, he was sentenced in March to the stay after an altercation with a motorist, and was under judicial review. He was “unknown intelligence” said the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins.

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, “it was weird or sick”

as of Thursday evening, Hollande was the link with Islamic terrorism:

“After the attacks in Paris in January 2015 and in November 2015, this Nice again touched, C is all France which is under the threat of Islamist terrorism. “

This deadly attack is” exactly the permanent incitement to murder jihadists “according to the prosecutor. Saturday morning, IE has finally claimed the killing. But the investigation is ongoing to determine the exact motives of the perpetrator of the attack. Computer equipment seized at the home of the author of the carnage will perhaps answers. Like the five persons in custody between Friday and Saturday.

On the links of M ohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel with radical Islamism, the es speech of Prime Minister Manuel Valls and that of Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve differed Friday night.

For the first guest of the 20h de France 2 on Friday night:

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel “is a likely terrorist linked to radical Islamism. We will see what the complicity and links with terrorist organizations. “

on TF1, the tenant of the place Beauvau is much less certain. To the question “Does this evening you are able to tell us that it is linked to radical Islam”, he replied “no.” And adds:

“We have an individual who is not known by the intelligence services linked to radical Islamist activities”

. on Twitter, Harold Hauzy adviser of Prime Minister denies any communication divergence arguing in particular that the IU has claimed the attack. Except that the claim came well after the statements of the minister and the Prime Minister.


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