Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice attack: this time, no national unity – Europe1

After the attacks of January 2015 national unity was held ten days. After 13-November weekend. This time, after the attack in Nice, the policies have waited a few hours to throw soundbites and great controversy. The opposition, especially, has been particularly virulent towards François Hollande and the government. After the killings Thursday night, it’s official: the national unity and the spirit of the 11-January touted by President of the Republic have indeed disappeared

“naïve”. . one of the hardest against authorities was Alain Juppé, usually known for his moderation. “If all means were taken, the tragedy would not have occurred,” he told the mayor of Bordeaux, a candidate for the Republican primary on RTL. François Fillon and Christian Estrosi them have denounced the end of the state of emergency announced on Thursday by the head of state just hours before the tragedy. Many other members of the opposition have questioned the effectiveness of the Sentinel operation and “otherworldliness” of the government. Certainly, doubts and questions are legitimate, but the timing may seem doubtful, while some families are still searching for their loved ones.

Some also quickly denounced the laxity of the executive face radical Islam. “The war against the scourge of Islamic fundamentalism has not started, it is urgent now to declare,” he told Le Pen, president of FN, even though the motivations of Nice killer remain unclear. And for 18 months, many measures themselves often criticized were adopted, such as strengthening the police force and intelligence, strengthened the powers of investigation to the police, the upcoming opening of jihadist radicalization centers ….

The political response of Holland. from Nice, François Hollande responded by warning that he did not intend s “to lower indescribable excessive , too. ” “It’s my job, it’s my responsibility not to let me turn away from the commitment that I made on behalf of the French to protect them,” he said after particular made at the bedside several victims of the attack. Still. The Head of State has nonetheless slipped it had strengthened the police force that “unfortunately had been degraded in the past”, in a clear allusion to the five year term of Nicolas Sarkozy.

rocket Launcher and siege. beyond the controversies, policies have also engaged in a bidding proposals to eradicate terrorism. Henri Guaino has regretted that the military responsible for the supervision of the territory were not equipped with … rocket launchers. “We must stop a truck that does not respond to the summons. Just put at the entrance to the Promenade des Anglais with a military rocket launcher and it will stop the truck,” he called on RTL. Frédéric Lefebvre, MP for French nationals abroad, he has advocated the introduction of martial law instead of the state of emergency. Clearly, that police powers and security are transferred to the army. Finally Jacques Myard, LR MP candidate for the primary, has listed eight proposals, including a total ban of the veil in France. In short, politics pure, while three days of national mourning have not even started yet.


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