Monday, November 21, 2016

Primary: voters right to reject Sarkozy, not his ideas – Release

An overwhelming majority of voters in the first round of the primary of the right voted against Nicolas Sarkozy because they reject his personality, but not necessarily his ideas, and close enough to the liberal project, and curator of François Fillon.

Mr Sarkozy himself was the first to emphasize it. “I have a lot of respect for Alain Juppe. The policy choices of François Fillon are closer (…) I will vote François Fillon”, he announced in actant his defeat Sunday night.

The ex-head of the State has occurred only in the third place playoff, with a little more than 20% of the vote, behind Fillon, a large lead with 44%, and Juppé (28.5 per cent).

A quick review of the programs of the former president and the one who has been its -unique – Prime minister for five years show indeed many similarities, even if the economic and social level, the project of the second appears much more liberal.

“This is not the end of an era. The French don’t want Sarkozy’s” but “they wanted to keep a candidate from the right that assumes its values,” says AFP Gérald Darmanin, the former director of campaign of Mr. Sarkozy.

of Course, Sarkozy wanted to give workers the free choice to be rid of the 35 hours” where Fillon calls for their repeal, pure and simple, Sarkozy wanted to remove the 300,000 government jobs, Fillon 600.000. The first wanted to lower the income tax of 10% when the second promises to increase of two points of VAT. Another difference is that the age of retirement, that Fillon wants to push to 65 years in 2022, while Sarkozy wanted to get there more gradually (63 years old in 2020 and 64 in 2025).

The two men together very often on the issues of security, identity and immigration, with the notable difference of the veil to the university that Sarkozy wanted to ban, unlike Fillon, who judge the proposal as impracticable, or the retention of the file, which would have “‘no meaning’ according to Fillon.

- Fillon, ‘product summary’ -

so This is not based on their projects that the voters have given their preference to the former tenant of Matignon, to the detriment of the ex-head of State. It is necessary to rather look at that side of the personality of Mr. Sarkozy, whose “drifts” more or less controlled sometimes collided (when he refers to “our ancestors the Gauls” or “the double ration of French fries” for the children not eating pork in the canteen, would admit even to his loved ones.

They accuse also to Mr Sarkozy have talked too much of François Bayrou, president of MoDem and support for Juppé, to the point of having led to the opposite result of what he hoped by strengthening, in fine, the candidate Fillon.

Another possible explanation for the defeat of Mr. Sarkozy: the French, “people of regicide” as stressed by often the former president during his quinquennium, have permanently fired the one they had already symbolically split in 2012.

in fact, according To a Harris Interactive survey conducted on Sunday, with more than 7,000 voters, 42% of voters have voted “against Sarkozy”. As for the 14% of voters are being reported left, most of them voted for Juppé, the economic program at least as liberal as its rivals, but more moderate on social issues, with its goal repeatedly claimed”identity happy”.

According to the political analyst Jérôme Sainte-Marie, the electorate of the right was split between those who liked the line Sarkozy, but that they no longer wanted him and those who loved the personality of Juppé, but found its a bit soft. “With Fillon, they have had a product-summary”, summarizes the president of PollingVox.



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