Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Emmanuel Macron in Mutuality, the show about nothing or show too? – Release

“All this” did not really stopped, far from it. A Manuel Valls who ordered him – indirectly – to cease business “one foot out, one foot inside” Tuesday, explaining on camera that “ it is time that all this s stops “ Emmanuel Macron responded with a surreal political show at the Mutuality. Flirting with all the limitations of governmental solidarity, constantly biting the yellow line towards the Prime Minister while preserving Francois Hollande in appearance. Crossing a step towards his possible presidential candidacy, but without officially declare or announce his departure from Bercy. An in-between, which lasts from the beginning of April, when he launched his movement “Running,” which is “neither right nor left” and now claims 50,000 members.

“This movement, no one will stop it. We will bring together until 2017 and until victory “, Emmanuel Macron launches after a speech 80 minutes before 3000 overexcited supporters that punctuate the evening” Macron president “. But he is careful not to say the victory of who or what he is preparing, as if still a margin for maneuver within the government. “Imagine where we will be in three months, six months, a year,” , further heated Macron, letting everyone imagine what he wants from this political future.

Marketing pros policy

what he wants is “write a new history” for the country. “This story, too bother – ah, I know something – because it comes upset about, it worries the system” , advance the technocrat banker then became business secretary general of the Elysee before landing at Bercy. Malin, he claims his share of “corporatism” . But one clip when it is passed by the General Inspectorate of Finance tape “from above the people,” accused of hindering France. “Macron symbolizes sadly this five-year period, the absolute freedom of everyone, says one former minister. We do what we want, it works, it is fashionable, it is paid on the beast “.

On the form, everything is optimum. A great political marketing professionals. Between hosts and hostesses checking names inscribed on tablet devices, small colored dots to tidy supporters – politicians, organizers, supporters – the big sound between each testimony, transparencies prompters to Obama and without micro speech hand, white shirt open pacing the stage. Macron whispers, Macron hoarse at regular intervals. A small televangelist side. Missing only the rain of glitter in the end, a coquetry that Dominique Strauss-Kahn had sacrificed for the Socialist primary in 2006.

At the forefront, Brigitte Macron played before the start ceremony mistresses the meeting at 20:00 on the dot, placing guests, slamming kiss Erik Orsenna and skewer Socialist MEPs at odds with the executive as Arnaud Leroy, former close Arnaud Montebourg. Nicole Bricq, former government minister Ayrault, is there. As Renaud Dutreil, member of the Raffarin government and Robert Zarader, expert in political communication and very close to François Hollande.

No program, a “transformation plan”

But on the bottom, the “new history” Macron always emerges not. His speech remains at the stage of diagnosis, which are responsible for the “walkers” Macron via a vast operation of door-to-door throughout France. Certainly he wants to “free” ( “entrepreneurs, creators, workers’ , in that order) and announces that he will” make openings, of breccias “ in the senior civil service, business, school. But his project “refoundation” – a term that loops back – remains absolutely draft report

On the ecology, having saluted Jean-Louis. Borloo and Nicolas Hulot, Emmanuel Macron evokes a “productive model that incorporates the long term” and deplores the “spending more money to get the resources from the past to invent the energies of the future. “ Which? We will not know. Democratically, “our institutions, our system, the choreography of it all, is worn. He is tired of the broken promises. It is old, we have to change “, he promises without advancing proposals. His initiative is not a party, it is a “gathering” . And it does not prepare a “program” but “tranformation plan” .

On a purely political level, Emmanuel Macron savings Francois Hollande, only left personality cited namely the entire speech, with the exception of Michel Rocard. There are two years, by appointing him Minister of Economy, “the president trusted me and I can not thank him enough. He thought I could do something for my country, “, which recalled Macron would be ” the obligor “ of the head of state despite its denials spring. Moreover, “many things were made” since 2012 although for him the labor law, which divide the left for four months, “It is no longer fighting today “ and ” we must go further “ that the law of energy transition, passed in early summer.

out or get knocked out?

But it is on Manuel Valls, never mentioned once, all his arrows focus. “You have to stop to take this country in a state of political and intellectual minority” , Macron attack after two passes through the strength of 49.3 Labour law. Michel Rocard, which Valls and both claim it? “is recovered not Rocard, people have tried his lifetime they did not succeed, I wish good luck to those who want to we now cover the” . Its passage – invigorating – the identity and secularism that is “ not a corny word” is entirely directed against the head of government and very warmly applauded by the audience. Unlike Valls, Macron is against all “new text or new standard to hunt headscarf at university” . What is needed, in his eyes, “This is not a battle of secularism against Islam. We have an enemy threat, the jihadists, but it is not Islam “.

Faced with such a crescendo that resembles initiated by Arnaud Montebourg in July 2014 , it is unclear how the Prime Minister and Minister of Economy can continue to coexist in the government. “We will not make a Montebourg, do not be a brothel out factor. Better to do it in the torpor of summer “ says a close Macron pleads for release before the end of July. “It’s Holande Valls and decide” , believes his side the Mayor of Lyon Gerard Collomb, seeming to prefer a dismissal to a resignation. With the show of Mutuality, his wishes might be fulfilled faster than expected.

Laure Bretton


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