Sunday, July 12, 2015

VIDEO. Alford: It is the first parliamentary gay marriage – Le Parisien

Anne-Laure Abraham | 12 Jul 2015, 7:28 |. Update: 12 Jul 2015, 7:29

Alfortville yesterday.. Luc Carvounas (l.), Senator and Mayor of Alfortville PS, married his companion, Stéphane Exposito before nearly 300 people, including many politicians. Illustration. (LP / A-LA)

A symbol. Senator-Mayor of Alfortville, Luke Carvounas (PS) and his companion, Stéphane Exposito, both dressed in blue, expressed “yes” this Saturday at the town hall of Alfortville. A symbol because it was the first wedding of a gay parliamentarian from the passage of the law on marriage for all in May 2013.

Married sealed their union in front of nearly 300 people, prompting applause and cheers from family and friends. Who included many political figures, including Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, near Luc Carvounas “It is both normal and symbolism. This is the implementation of a law, a breath of freedom and tolerance. “

Claude Bartolone, President of the National Assembly, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, 1 st secretary of the PS, Emmanuelle Cosse, 1 st National Secretary of EELV, Cécile Duflot MP (EELV) and others were also present. Married then went to greet the 250 onlookers who were waiting at the exit of the town hall: “This is a great day for me and I’m happy to share it launches Luc Carvounas. The Alfortvillais know who I am. For ten days I have nothing but positive feedback that counterbalance what is happening on social networks. “Two complaints were filed to homophobic threats to the elected and his companion, and a man was arrested and sentenced Friday for the same reasons.

VIDEO. The first gay marriage celebrated in a parliamentary Alford


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