Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sarkozy and the French fries: a game anti-Juppé very dangerous – Challenges.fr

When it comes to Sarkozy, it should avoid the trap of indignation. Be indignant, for example, the last release candidate in the Primary The Republicans, it is to fall into the trap laid by the former president. Deplore, denounce that he was able to declare, in substance, that “The Republic, it is a double ration of French fries” at the school, this is to miss the essential, the deconstruction necessary for the connection, this is why it has been thought of and pronounced. Because deep down, Nicolas Sarkozy don’t care for the food of school canteens, it does not speak about it to the extent where it can serve the objective of the moment: reversing a trend that does not provide the winner of the Primary LR.

We are back. In a meeting in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nicolas Sarkozy has taken one of his couplets favorites, the reduction of the secular republic to a political identity, mono-cultural. “I do not accept in our schools that there are tables of the jews and of the tables of muslims,” he declared, stating that if a student comes from a family where we don’t eat pork: “well the day in the canteen where there are chips and a slice of ham, small does not take slice of ham and take a double ration of French fries”, before concluding : “It is the Republic. The same rule and the same menu for all the world.”

The food of the spirit

of course, all of this is stupid. There are no tables of jews and muslims assigned to them in school canteens, the education provided by the school secular, free and is independent of what the children may have eaten, or not, when the noon meal, the physical food is not the question of national Education, which has the sole duty of the food of the spirit by the emancipation secular, the obligation lay not is the responsibility of the State and its public services, its officials and agents are linked to the performance of the public service… in Short, all that said Nicolas Sarkozy, in the light of the building’s legal and policy associate at the secular Republic is false and archi false.

it is here that he must not yield to the temptation to indignation and enchantment, this research first and foremost, the defeated 2012. It is even more likely that he knows himself he tells no matter what, but this is not his subject. As usual, he makes the short-sighted policy, seeking to create a windfall effect immediate. Hence the need to understand the reasons that lead them today to pay in the secularization of identity.

first the Primary. He has not yet lost, even though it is still far from the victory.

In the state of the opinion, said today that the centre of gravity of the French right is at the edge of the extreme right. It is a fact. If it was Nicolas Sarkozy, namely a former president deposed and defeated, whose personality ails a large majority of French, the candidate who tells today in the electorate of the right the story he wanted to hear would certainly be invincible, and the victory in the Primary would be acquired. Including against the avatar application UDF to the former that embodies Alain Juppé. But Sarkozy has the handicap of being Sarkozy.

A strategy as old as politics

on The evening of the second debate of the Primary LR, broadcast last week on BFMTV and iTELE, the professionals of the race of small horses, that are present on the plateaux of channels info, had decreed the end of Nicolas Sarkozy. The former president was this albatross, trapped by the sailors helmsmen of small time, laughing at his desire to destroy the insignificant Bayrou.

hear, these professionals of the profession of commentators of the moment, the debate had demonstrated the limits of Sarkozy, while he had revealed a Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet pugnacious and efficient, beautiful and rebellious, and Jean-François Copé, ambianceur uninhibited tray tv. Some felt even as Nicolas Sarkozy, isolated in his corner, continuing to take only François Bayrou, had committed the error of too. The error that the disqualifiait. The error that it was unwise to commit. Only on LCI, the representative of current Values, Geoffrey Lejeune, dared that night to say aloud that not a single one of his interlocutors did, that it was possible that Nicolas Sarkozy knew what he did. And that it was not a mistake, but a strategy as old as politics: appoint his enemy to mobilize against him.

the Result? It works. Together let us contemplate this survey Paris Match and Sud Radio of the week, which measure the popularity of policies via the Fifg-Fiduciary. Right, NKM and Copé, the winners of the debate be appointed by the professionals of the profession are leaving… as well as François Bayrou, a scapegoat, designated by Nicolas Sarkozy, who sees its rating go up. Want…such as François Fillon, who also never ceases to multiply the projections of identity in the mode of catholic and reactionary.

It must retain the essential element of this last survey, if Alain Juppé and François Fillon ahead of yet by far, with all of the French, Nicolas Sarkozy, as soon as we stick only to the voters of the right and centre, brings balance to the force ratio to 50-50. And today, it is only important in the eyes of the former president of the mobilization of this electorate, a priori decision-making on the fate of the Primary LR.

The choice of irresponsibility

obviously, Nicolas Sarkozy made the choice to irresponsibility in any liability, stigmatising for the needs of his cause on election of children reported as threats to the Republic. We note in passing, with regret, that some on the left, in the circles of the national republican anti-clerical forces, they also love to hunt for the child who does not eat ham. Or the young student wearing a veil. Or the nanny wearing a scarf. This fight secularist, in fine racialiste, does that lower. Always.

So goes the secularization of identity, to the right as to the left, which claims to solve a political problem by pointing to the retribution of the children who would be guilty of not eating ham. Or the student is veiled. Or the nanny wearing a scarf. How many times will it repeat? The principle of secularism, as soon as it is out of the sphere of the state to apply to the company is not more freedom, but constraint. With its deep-fried, the symbol of the Republic’s resistance against the devil of foreign, Nicolas Sarkozy takes a broad approach in the world of bourgeois small white, presuppositions insecure by children not eating ham in the canteen of the school…In his book, The people’s Cause, Patrick Buisson is a great pleasure to return to this vision of the cultural struggle that would be that of the France of today. This should be enough to discredit this vision of the identity of the secular Republic…

With Sarkozy and the secularist identity, the secular Republic is just the opposite: it is no longer there to guarantee the free expression of all opinions, even religious, but to impose a uniformity common, in the name of a presumed identity of essence judeo-christian. Child, you don’t like ham, then you boufferas French fries… Welcome to the Republic of the mullahs laïcards… Of all stripes…

It all comes back to Nicolas Sarkozy, who is familiar with his disability, but also knows its soil in the election campaign. If he can still hope to reverse a situation compromised now that the hour of truth Primary LR approach, it has the only strategy available to play on the current sensitivity of the electorate to the right that has never been right. It is necessary for him to ” centriser “, again and again, Alain Juppé, to present him as a hostage to the temptation of the émollience, so to Bayrou, therefore, the renunciation, therefore, of the compromise, therefore, of multiculturalism, which would be the true face of identity happy… He needs strong typing, quickly and without respite. Nicolas Sarkozy speaks fried and republic because he does not have much time to give at the time…


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