The Economics minister Michel Sapin has brought the text anti-corrupion in the face of the parliamentarians. – PDN/SIPA

TRANSPARENCY Among the measures in the bill, including better protection for whistleblowers…

Corruption, takes care of you ! The broad project of law Fir II on the transparency of the economic life has been finally adopted on Tuesday in the Parliament. The deputies, who have the last word on the senators, voted for this last great economic text of the quinquennium by 308 votes to 171, and 39 abstentions.

According to the Finance minister Michel Sapin, who has given his name to the bill after defending a first text of anti-corruption in 1993, he ” proclaims the requirement of a Republic copy “, as promised by François Hollande in 2012. It is also going to “propel France to the level of the best european and international standards” in the fight against corruption. As a reminder, the France occupied in 2015 is the 23rd rank in terms of the fight against corruption, on the 104 countries rated, in the last classification of the NGO Transparency international.

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A protective status for whistleblowers

The bill introduces new offences to punish the facts of bribery of foreign public officials, the creation of an anti-corruption agency, responsible for monitoring the implementation of programs in large enterprises as well as a protective status for whistleblowers, and yet a frame of interest representatives (lobbyists) via a common directory on the executive and the legislative.

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The new powers entrusted to the High authority for transparency in public life (HATVP), in which the control of this registry, have aroused the raising of shields sometimes significant these past few months. Over the readings of the draft law from June, meps had added a first step to avoid the excesses of the salaries of the big bosses, through a vote of the shareholders, and completed the agricultural component of the text, which is very expected by the profession.

The “disagreement” of the opposition

This arsenal will sign ” in the heritage of the left “, has praised the rapporteur to the Assembly Sébastien Denaja (PS). The measures complement a building constructed since 2012, the act strengthening the fight against tax fraud to the law on transparency of public life post-affair Cahuzac.

The elected LR voted against by “disagreement” on the directory of lobbyists, and on the financial reporting imposed on the multinational companies, dear to the NGOS and muscled through the Assembly. Their speaker Olivier Marleix has advocated the need of” balance “between” the protection and responsibility of whistleblowers “, in order not to pay in ” a world of informers professionals “. For others, some NGOS and even some on the left, the regime protecting whistleblowers, like’ Antoine Deltour at the origin of the scandal LuxLeaks, is still insufficient.

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