Saturday, November 5, 2016

The centre for the homeless in the 16th arrondissement in paris has opened – in The World

designed to accommodate two hundred persons, the structure will provide social support, professional, medical and administrative for 3 years.

World | • updated | By

A picture of the summary released by the law firm of architects Moonarchitectures march 14, 2016, and representing the project of the welcome centre near the bois de Boulogne in Paris.

as Soon as tables, chairs, pillows, duvets and dressing tables delivered, the emergency accommodation centre for homeless people, located in the 16e arrondissement, opened its doors. Seven families, housed up to now in hotels in the capital city, were accepted Wednesday, November 2, in prefabricated buildings installed at the edge of the bois de Boulogne, along the chic avenue du Maréchal-Maunoury.

The official opening, scheduled for Saturday in the presence of the minister of housing, Emmanuelle Cosse, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo and her deputy in charge of housing and social affairs, comes to a close months of open conflict between the City and opponents of the project. Despite the insults, the distrust and the arson occurred in the night of 16 October, two hundred persons, half of which consists of families, there will be received by the end of the month of November. “Fifty people isolated should arrive in the next few days, ” says Eric Bend, director of the association Dawn, chosen to manage the structure.

Read also : The future reception centre for the HOMELESS in the 16th arrondissement of paris burned

The centre, planned to be operational for three years, will host a public with varied profiles. Once referred by the integrated service of reception and orientation (SIAO) in Paris, isolated individuals, the working poor, families and children can stay on average between three and six months, and to have an accompanying medical, administrative, professional, and social. “We are favorable to this mixture, explains Eric Bend. I have a little experience, and I can tell you that it is very positive for individuals to work with children.

Priority to families that are ” vulnerable “

The families and isolated individuals, however, will be hosted in studios or rooms located in different buildings. Monitored twenty-four hours on twenty-four, the center will be open the day and closed at night, but each resident will have his key. “If one wants to they resociabilisent and they fit, it is important that they can live their lives in freedom. The custodian will have the role to control that between “, says the association, chastened by the fire. “ experience, ultimately, things are going well even when a structure has opened up in an exclusive area, as was the case in the 8e arrondissement ,” said Ian Brossat, deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of housing.

For the first seven families arrived Wednesday, the SIAO has chosen as a priority the most vulnerable. “These are families in which the parents have, for example, of the evil to assume their role because they are depressed or because they have health problems ,” says the director.

The handful of children of school age will be “dispatched ” in several schools in the district in order to increase, in a district unfamiliar with the social differences, their ” the chance of integration, ” says Mr Bending. Also, just the open centre, the volunteer applications are flowing in. Despite the reluctance, of the people of the district and the three parishes have already offered courses of academic support, writing workshops and cultural and sports activities.

Read also : in Paris, the SDF soon greeted in the 16th arrondissement

25 % of poor workers

For the working poor, who represent 25 % of those registered at 115, emphasis will be placed on the housing. in Paris, when you apply for social housing as an individual, it may take ten years and even more so when you have a small wage. We, we know the people and the places available. It can be very fast ,” says the association.

The other residents will benefit from a comprehensive follow-up. According to the profiles, they will need to find a training professional, to get the universal health coverage (CMU) or, for undocumented migrants, engage in a procedure of regularization. A health check will also be done, and a psychological support is provided to people who want it. It is only ” once all the conditions are met ” they will be able to focus on the question of housing.

The idea which has presided at the opening of this centre is to provide to each person, ” a protective framework ” ” custom “. “If it welcomes a man of 78 years, we’re not going to ask him to find a job “, says a member of the structure, but the accompany to the structure of accommodation is appropriate, the retirement homes for the homeless is almost non-existent.

What to do if, at the end of the six month period, the exit conditions are not met ? “Six months for someone who has spent over ten years in the street, it is short, recognizes Eric Bend. the reconstruction work can take even more time. ” In some cases, the Dawn does not exclude the possibility of directing some of the residents to boarding homes, buildings of a few floors in which the occupants benefit from a social framework.

The association undertakes in any case not to be released into the wild. “This support requires time and money [40 euros per day and per person funded by the State], we’re not going to screw it up in the air and undermine it even more in finding accommodation for only a few weeks before they meet again in the street.


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