Thursday, August 18, 2016

In court, “the sorry affair” Sisco returned to the facts – Liberation

Crowd great days at Bastia Courthouse Thursday afternoon. Outside the gates, a few hundred people, people of Sisco and their supporters, while in the courtroom, Gilles Simeoni, President of the Executive Council of Corsica, and Jean-Guy Talamoni, President of the Corsican Assembly, shake clamps which tend spontaneously to them. In the box, the three brothers B. hide their faces. The prosecutor of Bastia, Nicolas Bessone, accused of having caused Saturday’s brawl trying to “privatize” a cove of the village of Sisco, “in a logic of caïdat “. A fourth brother, illegally, at the scene and gave a false name at his hearing, is a fugitive. Alongside them, two Siscais Lucien S., the village baker, and Peter B., a municipal employee, are prosecuted for acts of violence.

After days that have circulated versions more or less fanciful – ranging from free communal provocation to racist lynching in response to the port of an imaginary burkini – the prosecutor tried to bring “this lamentable affair” in its ultimately trivial proportions, despite the media coverage. Although he notes that only the intervention of the police prevented all this will end up at the assizes. One of the villagers, for example tried to push one of the brothers B. the top of the cliff, stopped in extremis by “rugby tackle” a policeman.

“it is not the Dead poets Society”

the facts are as follows: after installing a sign “driving ban” at the entrance to the creek, the B. brothers (all born in Morocco, both residing in Furiani and the other two on vacation), accompanied by their wives and children, were multiplied clashes with tourists, dislodging a couple seeking to settle next to Sandy blows before molesting one of the teenagers of the village. Which would have defended a Belgian tourist who was taking pictures of the landscape – or veiled women of the family, if we are to believe the version of the brothers. Follows an altercation with the father of the teenager, then with a quarantine area came as reinforcements. The tension mounts until late at night and burning of cars families of Moroccan origin, under the eyes of police. The investigation of property crimes (three cars burned on one side, flat tires on the other) is still in progress.

For when the villagers arrived, “This n ‘ is not the Dead poets Society, “ notes the prosecutor, which emphasizes the aspect ” inadmissible “ ” response gregarious “ the villagers. “Where is the honor to knock someone senseless on the ground or on a stretcher [both acts of violence alleged against the defendants the village, note] Nicolas ton Bessone.

“their style is rather” niquez your mothers’ “

Finally, in his indictment, the prosecutor wants to defuse persistent rumors. No, there was no machete, but a kitchen knife used to intimidate “tapping” with the handle head of the adolescent. No, the B. brothers have never chanted “Allah akbar” ( “style , coward Bessone, it is rather” niquez your mothers’ “) . However, Mustafa B. would have pulled the trigger of his spear gun to hurt the father of the teenager, a legionnaire installed long Sisco. “We tried to make this story a clash between Corsican and North Africans, concludes Bessone, but I find that I have on the creek a Colombian woman who was not wearing a veil and a father and son of Czech origin on the other side! “

at the request advice B. family, the trial was postponed to 15 September. All players continued to meeting violence with weapons in the case of brothers (gun-harpoon, baseball bat, stones). Mustafa B., given his criminal record (several convictions for drug trafficking and insults) and its central role in the facts, was remanded in custody. The other defendants remain in single judicial review.

Guillaume Gendron (in Corsica )


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