Tuesday, December 13, 2016

EXCLUSIVE. The Christmas bonus will be paid this week, announcing Marisol Touraine – West-France

implemented by the Jospin government in 1998, the premium was renewed this year for 2.5 million people to be modest. Interview with Marisol Touraine, minister of social Affairs and Health.

What was the decision of the government ?

The Christmas bonus, of course, is renewed. It is a boost for the more modest, a few days before the holidays. The beneficiaries of Income of active solidarity (RSA), or the allowance of specific solidarity (ASS) have a right to it. No particular approach is required : the payment will be made automatically by bank transfer this week.

What is the amount ?

It remains unchanged and depends on the composition of the household. 152 € for a single person 320 € for a couple with two children. More than 2.5 million French citizens will receive this bonus this year. The government continues to pursue its commitment in favour of the more modest ones, after the revaluation of 2 % of the RSA in September (about 230 €, per year, for a couple with two children), the extension of universal health Coverage complementary (CMU-C) and of Aid to complementary health (ACS). Not to mention the creation of the premium of activity that benefits today to more than 2.3 million households, of which 500 000 young people.

Why the premium is not adjusted ?

The amount does not increase. But it is paid, this year, to more people. It is an additional commitment by the State, for a total cost of 500 million euros.

The right accuses you of assistantship. What say you ?

At these words, which hurt unnecessarily, I oppose systematically the social reality lived by too much of French and the need to accompany them. The poor, the modest, the precarious do not take advantage of the system, they suffer. They must be supported and accompanied.

More info on the Christmas bonus.


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