Thursday, December 15, 2016

Last straight line for the submission of applications to the primary of the left – the World

The candidates have up to 18 hours to file their sponsorships.

World | • updated | By

Arnaud Montebourg and Benoît Hamon have already formalised their application. Manuel Valls and Vincent Peillon had planned to do in the day. Gérard Filoche claims to have met with his sponsorships.

  • Validation of nominations on December 17,

The nominations will then be reviewed and validated by the high authority of the primary citizen, on 17 December – which will also need to ensure the validity of the election and proclaim the results.

in Addition to the socialist Manuel Valls, Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon, and Benoît Hamon and Gérard Filoche candidates Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Front democratic party), François de Rugy (ecologist Party) and Sylvia Pinel (radical Party of the left).

The candidates from the socialist Party must have the sponsorship of 5 % of one of the following groups : members of the national council ; the parliamentary socialists ; regional advisors and departmental socialists representing at least four regions and ten departments ; mayors socialist of cities of over 10 000 inhabitants representing at least four regions and ten departments. The candidates of the parties associated are delivered to meet those sponsorships.

the chairman of The committee of organization of the primary (CNOP), the socialist Christophe Borgel, said Wednesday that seven of the nominees seemed a maximum. Three contenders have been recalibrated last week : Pierre Larrouturou (New), Bastien Faudot (republican and citizens ‘ Movement) and Sébastien Nadot (Movement of the progressives), their formations not belonging to The Beautiful people’s Alliance.

candidates must also have signed a charter of ethics setting out the rules of conduct during the campaign and a statement of commitment on the gathering of the candidates after the election.

On December 17, marks the official launch of the campaign the primary citizen. The professions of faith of each candidate will be available from the 20th of December. In addition, the PS shall pay 50 000 euros to each of the candidates from its ranks for his campaign. They are free to appeal to donations from individuals if they wish to spend more. The candidate came out the winner of the primary will be invested on the 5th February, at a convention.

  • Three debates before the first round

Three televised debates between the candidates are scheduled before the first round : the 12, 15 and 19 January. A debate between the two finalists will take place on January 25, four days before the second round. On 12 January, the candidates will debate on TF1, in partnership with RTL and Obs, the 15 channels of continuous information, and the 19 on France Télévisions and Europe 1.

The map of polling stations has been validated in 68 departments by all candidates and parties organizers. The objective is to open between 7 600 and 8 000 polling stations – a minimum of 260 to Paris. It still remains at the PS to find and close to 40 000 volunteers to hold these offices.

The cost of this primary is estimated at 3.5 million euros, stated Mr. Borgel, very far from the 6 million euros devoted to the primary in 2011.

All French citizens registered on the electoral lists, the minors who will be of voting age in may 2017, as well as the members of both parties co-organisers of the primary, who are foreign nationals or who are at least 16 years of age may vote, on 22 and 29 January. Voters will be asked to pay a participation of € 1 per ballot and sign the sign-up sheet, where they will argue ” recognise themselves in the values of the left “.


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