Sunday, August 21, 2016

In Aubervilliers, 2,000 Chinese protest against violence – Le Figaro

After the deadly assault Zhang Shaolin, the Chinese community has marched through the streets of the city of Seine-Saint-Denis to demand more state protection.

This is the murder of Zhang Shaolin, there are some days that made them take to the streets. Nearly 2,000 people of Chinese origin expressed Sunday in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), their ras-le-bol repeated violence they claim to be victims and called for increased security measures. With cries of “Liberty, equality, fraternity and security for all!”, 1,800 people, according to police, marched through the streets of this city popular suburbs, where Zhang Shaolin, a designer of 49 years, was attacked on August 7 by three men who wanted to steal the bag of a friend, also from China. He was died on August 12 as a result of his injuries. “Attacks are frequent, but as we do not speak French well, it is not a complaint. And then we work, we did not have time for this, “said Cai Jiang, 26, used in a tobacco shop in Paris.

While the robbery to the Chinese community Aubervilliers tripled in a year, the police received police reinforcements and a Franco-Chinese student was recruited as part of civic service to improve the reception of victims. The prefecture is also committed to extending the CCTV system. “We appealed to the State because we are French citizens, even if one does not feel quite so considered,” says Marina, 23, who runs a shop in the Fashion Center, the largest shopping center sale wholesale Europe.

In the crowd, many hands waving small French flags. “I was like you Charlie. I Shaolin, where are you? “Reads a banner. “They are giving us a lesson organization and Republic,” says admiringly, Laurent, who lives in Aubervilliers for 30 years. “It’s been years that they experience racism, even the kids are attacked!” Regrets this teacher.

Renowned they hold on to cash, people of Asian origin are “easy prey”, recognizes the PCF mayor, Meriem Derkaoui, determined to “roll back these prejudices and awareness the population “about it. “When I see each other on the frontline, because two three women wore a burkini on a beach, where there is loss of life, so I expect the state to exhibit a minimum of account and receive the family, “she said.

at the end of the event, an alleged pickpocket was attacked by the crowd before being exfiltrated by mobile police, who used tear gas.


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